I work are gamestop, and let me tell you.... Microsoft reps are dumb and dont know anything. Heres a convo between the rep and my friend that works there(which is a 360 fanboy)
Friend: "Hey"
Rep: "Wutzup"
Friend: "So can you tell me why 360s get red rings of death?"
Rep: "Well the 360 has over 10,000 parts"
Friend: "..... what?"
Rep: "Yuh its very complicated, its very hard to find the one thing that does that"
Friend: "isn't it cause it overheats"
Rep: "well it overheats cause your playing it to long"
Friend: "so?"
Rep: "360s arent meant to be played more than 6 hours"
Friend: "i leave my PS3 folding @home for days, and no probs there.."
Rep: "well the 360 has over 10,000 parts, how many does the ps3 have?"
Friend: "i don't know'
Rep: "well its not 10,000"
Friend: "ok.."
and my friend goes the the back of the story in anger.... after the rep leaves, my friend comes back to the front and says. "That guy didn't know anything, i wish systems were like there reps.(our sony rep is really cool. he gives us free stuff and tells us alot about everything. like that the 120GB PS3 is in talks but not offcial, and for now sony is consentrading on the 80GB MGS4 bundle and DS3) if ps3 was like its rep i would like it more."
but yuh 360 reps don't know anything... ive meet 3 of them, and there all idiots
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