Here, let me restate this for all you idiotic Gamestop "haters".
Yes, we are allowed to take a game out, for four days. Once we take that game out, we can't take that game out any other time.
Now, this game, is the gut copy of the game. We don't un-wrap a new sealed copy, we take one of the disks that go in the display copy. So before you all go, "OH MY GOD THEY ARE TAKING THE WRAPPED COPIES!!!" no, we aren't. Learn what you are talking about before you start babbling BS.
If you hate Gamstop, don't 'effing go there, it's that simple. Oh wait, I have a better idea, let's complain and generalize that every Gamestop in the world is pro Microsoft and spits on their PS3s!!! YEAH!!!...Get a hobby.
I dare you to go into any Gamestop/EB in the Robinson area and buy a PS3 game, guess what, nobody cares. If somebody did roll their eyes, ask for a manager and discuss it, either way it's not going to change anything because you're still going to feel the need to post here going, "Oh my god Gamestop is a HORRIBLE COMPANY!!! I need people to sympathize with me because I have nothing better to do."
So guess what, call me a "Microsoft fanboy" because I am defending a supposed company that "Hates the PS3", or even hate me for defending Gamestop and calling a majority of you liars, because I don't give a rat's ass.
Let me put this as plain as I can, nobody cares about your whining about the Gamestop company, don't go there, boycott them, do whatever, because all this topic is, is an attention topic.
So, go ahead, flame me, bicker more, and whine. In the end, somebody is going to have their little, "Oh my gosh! You'd never guess what happened at Gamestop today!!!" topic created.
Happy New Year, Gamespot, still as mature as ever I can see.
People aren't complaining that GS employees take games home. They are complaining that GS turns around and sells that copy that has been opened, and taken home and played by employees, as new. If it has been taken out of the store and played (or even left in the store and played on a display system, it is not a new game. It has been used. We as customers have no way of knowing if a particular pre-opened game has been played before or not. So we complain about paying 'new' prices for a game that is most likely used. If GS wants to display gutted cases, and then sell those games, fine, but once its opened they should sell that copy as used. And if they have new copies behind the counter, they shouldn't get mad if someone asks for a sealed copy. The gut copy should be the last one sold. Best buy sells their display units of products once they are sold out of sealed units. But they clearly mark it as an 'Opened Box' item, and offer a discount on it. All we are saying is why can't GS do the same?
As for the posts about GS being anti-ps3, I can't speak for other GS/EBs, but at the one in Gastonia NC, I have heard clearly the employees giving customers (including myself) misinformation about the ps3. Maybe it's unintentional, and they are just idiots who know nothing at all about current gen games and gaming systems, but if so, they have no business working in a game store. If things like this didn't honestly keep happening to people at Gamestop stores, maybe there wouldn't be so many little 'Oh my gosh! Guess what happened to me at Gamestop today' threads.
Let me put this as plain as I can. N one cares about you whining about us complaining about Gamestop. If these threads bother you, don't open them, because all they are is us venting our frustration by retail horror stories with other people who have had the same experiences with the same company.
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