wait till you have sex with a girl. its fantastic!
LOL. Speaking of sex (if I am allowed to say this) I think he is j***ing us all off.
you'll be like "ps3 who?"
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem abdelmessih101
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
religion stuff isn't allowed in serious and respectable videogame forums. let's not mix something as important and respectable as videogame discussion with something as repulsive as religion.
please show videogames some respect
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
Did you know you can die on the ps3 virtaul world HOME then you go white forever and is banned from HOME then ps3 does not be your friend anymore. jokes
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
religion stuff isn't allowed in serious and respectable videogame forums. let's not mix something as important and respectable as videogame discussion with something as repulsive as religion.
please show videogames some respect
My PS3 is the only real friend I have. Most of the times my friends are at work and can't hang out; and most of my friends don't even have a PS3 because they can't afford one. Whenever I am bored, my PS3 is there for me. If I can't fall asleep at 4am, my PS3 is there, smiling and saying "Play me fool!" (I imagine it sounds like Mr. T)
When I feel sad or lonely, I go to gamestop and buy a new game. It excites me and I sit and play the game for hours and hours of simulated happiness. Only, it's real, i'm actually happy...more happy than I am with my real friends who are too busy to hang out. PS3, you are my only true friend. I know people will tell me to get a life, but I do have one; albeit virtual; it still makes me happy, and isn't that the whole point of life?
Thank you PS3, for always beging there for me. You are a true friend indeed.
Was it intentional to quote my anti-religion statement at least 5 times?insomniac_dog
yep mate... i have this thing for editing posts... just needed a good reason to do it :D
[QUOTE="abdelmessih101"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem insomniac_dog
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
You see, that's the thing, the PS3 is real. God on the other hand... is not.
god is real unlike ur brain :-P
[QUOTE="shroom76"]wait till you have sex with a girl. its fantastic!
LOL. Speaking of sex (if I am allowed to say this) I think he is j***ing us all off.
This, my fellow posters, is the best comment of the night. Well done shroom76
if what TC says is actually what he truly thinks, thats an early sign of depression. not a joking matter at all..
if what TC says is actually what he truly thinks, thats an early sign of depression. not a joking matter at all.. at least it wasn't untill he posted it now its ROFL material :lol:
It's funny, because there is actually proof that the PS3 exists. The same cannot be said for God. Lol!insomniac_dog
There isn't proof that God doesn't exist. Considering you capitalized the word God, you must have some reverence towards God to do so, so in essence you are acknowledging that it's possible God exist. I could care less, just thought I'd point that out.
Yeah, God's there for me too. But I can't throw a granade at God while he's hiding in corner in COD4. I can't dunk on God in NB2K8, and I can't pin God's car into a corner and take him out like I do in Burnout Paradise......or can I???
Oh, God's gaming on PSN. I know it. You know that guy everyone thinks is hacking? That's him.
lmao! classic :lol:
[QUOTE="kevinlamar"]Yeah, God's there for me too. But I can't throw a granade at God while he's hiding in corner in COD4. I can't dunk on God in NB2K8, and I can't pin God's car into a corner and take him out like I do in Burnout Paradise......or can I???
Oh, God's gaming on PSN. I know it. You know that guy everyone thinks is hacking? That's him.
omfg! thats hillarious, god must be that guy with the 63/1 k/d ratio on the COD4 leaderboards :lol:
[QUOTE="kevinlamar"]Yeah, God's there for me too. But I can't throw a granade at God while he's hiding in corner in COD4. I can't dunk on God in NB2K8, and I can't pin God's car into a corner and take him out like I do in Burnout Paradise......or can I???
Oh, God's gaming on PSN. I know it. You know that guy everyone thinks is hacking? That's him.
[QUOTE="hazelnutman"][QUOTE="kevinlamar"]Yeah, God's there for me too. But I can't throw a granade at God while he's hiding in corner in COD4. I can't dunk on God in NB2K8, and I can't pin God's car into a corner and take him out like I do in Burnout Paradise......or can I???
Oh, God's gaming on PSN. I know it. You know that guy everyone thinks is hacking? That's him.
omfg! thats hillarious, god must be that guy with the 63/1 k/d ratio on the COD4 leaderboards :lol:
now whenever I lose against another player online I can blame God!!!!!
[QUOTE="kevinlamar"][QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem abdelmessih101
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
Try religion - that's the purpose of religion in the first place. I always have God there for me no matter what happens.
Good point, religion makes you get that feeling that no other thing can offer
My PS3 is the only real friend I have. Most of the times my friends are at work and can't hang out; and most of my friends don't even have a PS3 because they can't afford one. Whenever I am bored, my PS3 is there for me. If I can't fall asleep at 4am, my PS3 is there, smiling and saying "Play me fool!" (I imagine it sounds like Mr. T)
When I feel sad or lonely, I go to gamestop and buy a new game. It excites me and I sit and play the game for hours and hours of simulated happiness. Only, it's real, i'm actually happy...more happy than I am with my real friends who are too busy to hang out. PS3, you are my only true friend. I know people will tell me to get a life, but I do have one; albeit virtual; it still makes me happy, and isn't that the whole point of life?
Thank you PS3, for always beging there for me. You are a true friend indeed.
Dude i feel the exact same way.:D
My PS3 is the only real friend I have. Most of the times my friends are at work and can't hang out; and most of my friends don't even have a PS3 because they can't afford one. Whenever I am bored, my PS3 is there for me. If I can't fall asleep at 4am, my PS3 is there, smiling and saying "Play me fool!" (I imagine it sounds like Mr. T)
When I feel sad or lonely, I go to gamestop and buy a new game. It excites me and I sit and play the game for hours and hours of simulated happiness. Only, it's real, i'm actually happy...more happy than I am with my real friends who are too busy to hang out. PS3, you are my only true friend. I know people will tell me to get a life, but I do have one; albeit virtual; it still makes me happy, and isn't that the whole point of life?
Thank you PS3, for always beging there for me. You are a true friend indeed.
Nice poem/story. :)
would the original TC ever make these claims in the real world? ,,,, also I highly doubt he has a gf,, hes only sayin that to trying and justify his case,, doubt a girl would stay with a guy who only plays games unless you shower her with money the way you do your ps3
either way, outside contact from the world will be on hold for me on April 29th, so maybe im being a hypocrite
[QUOTE="The__Punisher__"]dude get a life......i mean seriously you have got a problem kevinlamar
I do have a real life, I have a GF, I play sports, I read, I have a job. But nothing is there for me like my PS3. I know it seems sad to some people, but its just the simple reality of my life. What would you do if you couldn't play PS3?
yeah dude tell me about it.. it makes an awesome pron device.. im loving that internet browser
would the original TC ever make these claims in the real world? ,,,, also I highly doubt he has a gf,, hes only sayin that to trying and justify his case,, doubt a girl would stay with a guy who only plays games unless you shower her with money the way you do your ps3
either way, outside contact from the world will be on hold for me on April 29th, so maybe im being a hypocrite
Again, why do people think that video game addiction and women troubles go hand in hand? People are addicted to Alcohol, Cigarettes, porn, an yes, video games, and stil have workinng relationships with their significant others. If I was lying about a woman, I'd say I had 5 girlfriends...who lies about being in a comitted relationship?
[QUOTE="signore"]would the original TC ever make these claims in the real world? ,,,, also I highly doubt he has a gf,, hes only sayin that to trying and justify his case,, doubt a girl would stay with a guy who only plays games unless you shower her with money the way you do your ps3
either way, outside contact from the world will be on hold for me on April 29th, so maybe im being a hypocrite
Again, why do people think that video game addiction and women troubles go hand in hand? People are addicted to Alcohol, Cigarettes, porn, an yes, video games, and stil have workinng relationships with their significant others. If I was lying about a woman, I'd say I had 5 girlfriends...who lies about being in a comitted relationship?
Bah. It's your lifestyle and you're not hurting anyone. Enjoy its! Forget the ones that judge you for taking a path less taken! 8)
But seriously, don't tell anyone you were just joking around. I love this topic and it would sadden me to see this one go.
Kinda like that one guy putting bologna in his PS3 and posting about it on here. Good times man. Good times. lol
My PS3 is the only real friend I have. Most of the times my friends are at work and can't hang out; and most of my friends don't even have a PS3 because they can't afford one. Whenever I am bored, my PS3 is there for me. If I can't fall asleep at 4am, my PS3 is there, smiling and saying "Play me fool!" (I imagine it sounds like Mr. T)
When I feel sad or lonely, I go to gamestop and buy a new game. It excites me and I sit and play the game for hours and hours of simulated happiness. Only, it's real, i'm actually happy...more happy than I am with my real friends who are too busy to hang out. PS3, you are my only true friend. I know people will tell me to get a life, but I do have one; albeit virtual; it still makes me happy, and isn't that the whole point of life?
Thank you PS3, for always beging there for me. You are a true friend indeed.
dude i know how you feel, i used to have a life once and friends, but they all went away :( its only me and my ps3 now :(
Nobody understand us :( send an invte bro
Lol Wtf?? Where do you get your drugs from?My PS3 is the only real friend I have. Most of the times my friends are at work and can't hang out; and most of my friends don't even have a PS3 because they can't afford one. Whenever I am bored, my PS3 is there for me. If I can't fall asleep at 4am, my PS3 is there, smiling and saying "Play me fool!" (I imagine it sounds like Mr. T)
When I feel sad or lonely, I go to gamestop and buy a new game. It excites me and I sit and play the game for hours and hours of simulated happiness. Only, it's real, i'm actually happy...more happy than I am with my real friends who are too busy to hang out. PS3, you are my only true friend. I know people will tell me to get a life, but I do have one; albeit virtual; it still makes me happy, and isn't that the whole point of life?
Thank you PS3, for always beging there for me. You are a true friend indeed.
It's only your friend because you buy it stuff.:oVyse_LegendsSigged! and I will not comment because I don't want to make fun of your predicament. and also you say that it's the only thing thats there for you... What about your GF??
Lol dude you made me laugh. It's understandable! You see your PS3 as your friend because you have incredibly happy times with it...(if not never-ending happiness) and hence your mind, being subued by the "almighty power" of the PS3, has made you think that it is your FRIEND! It what I like to call PS3alfriendmighthypnosesis. It is a very rare and odd disease. Effects of this disease include: Cannot last more than 15 mins away from his/her PS3, Dreams about his/her PS3 becoming a human one day, Tries to find a way to make PS3 into a human, Loves his/her PS3 extremely and would take a bullet to save it and Lastly, wants to marry his/her PS3 and have PS3babies...aka PSP's XD
LOL I realized I wrote retardness xD
Lol dude you made me laugh. It's understandable! You see your PS3 as your friend because you have incredibly happy times with it...(if not never-ending happiness) and hence your mind, being subued by the "almighty power" of the PS3, has made you think that it is your FRIEND! It is what I like to call PS3alfriendmighthypnosesis. It is a very rare and odd disease. Effects of this disease include: Cannot last more than 15 mins away from his/her PS3, Dreams about his/her PS3 becoming a human one day, Tries to find a way to make PS3 into a human, Loves his/her PS3 extremely and would take a bullet to save it and Lastly, wants to marry his/her PS3 and have PS3babies...aka PSP's (these are RARE PSP's for they have a PSP Head and human bodies!) XD
LOL I realized I wrote retardness xD
[QUOTE="insomniac_dog"]It's funny, because there is actually proof that the PS3 exists. The same cannot be said for God. Lol!cmpepper23
There isn't proof that God doesn't exist. Considering you capitalized the word God, you must have some reverence towards God to do so, so in essence you are acknowledging that it's possible God exist. I could care less, just thought I'd point that out.
Ah hah! Here's the tricky part: there isn't proof that the PS3 doesn't exist. We all recognise the PS3 as a matter of existance, however the 'higher power' that some of us speak of is a fabrication, something which has been made up so that people can spend money and time worshipping an idol for faith. And here's the sad part: there are people in this world who are so blind, they actually think God is real! Hah! Where was God in Iraq? Where was God in Hurricane Katrina? Where was God at September 11? Isnt God meant to love all? He attempts to 'persuade' people of other religions to 'join' his divine culture, however where was his love in these tragic events? I love my PS3, and hopefully people will wake up and realise that God is just a figurehead, with a sole purpose of reaping in our hard-earned cash so the Church can expand their empire. Science and technology will win, only because it's based on facts. Case closed!
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