I was going to make this thread about a month ago when the freezing first occured after playing Call Of Duty MW2 for a couple hours, but I decided to just over look it and ignore what had just happened. Yesterday I was using the web and after accepting the use of Plug-In, my slim just froze with the web "busy circle" still spinning for about a minute, then it just froze all together. (Mouse curser did not move whlie the circle was spinning) Do I have a defective Slim? Please let me know if you guys have stumbled upon this issue.
EDIT: And to make matters worse, the Power button was not working, it'll just stay there turned on with the green led light on. Being that this slim doesn't have a rough shutdown switch (Phat PS3's switch on the back), I had to actually unplug the frozen slim in order for it to shut down and restart.!! I'm having regret purchasing it, I might sell it for a Fatty 160gb.
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