Hmm this one is odd
i just got home today and tried it out before i had to resort to calling sony
and it worked perfectly fine..
i did a motorstorm race then i completed a quarter of madden and it all worked
hopefully whatever happened last night dosent happen again, but i will still be nervous that it might happen again and then i would have to get it fixed and wait 2-3 weeks.. that would suck
i will keep my fingers crossed
i would seriosuly consider sending it back anyway. those origonal probs could have been a warning and u could now be on borrowed time. ive seen similar things happen with HDDs on PCs, it doesent boot for a while, then it works for a while and then it dies. give sony a buzz anyway and explain the situation at least. not directly related, but i had a small prob with my wii giving out long beeps when it was speeding up the disc. although it was still working, it had me worried. so i gave ninty a buzz to get their two cents. they recommended that i send it back and they sent me a replacement.
it would be better to get advice from sony and send it back if needed now. if this problem arises and doesent fix itself when the warranty is gone then ure screwed. at least if u send it back now ull know that the chances of getting a second unit with the same prob would be very slim.
thats my 2 cents anyway.
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