Thats kind of like saying "buy the PS3, you can play games on it" then removing the ability to play games.CZVA
That's ridiculous, playing games (or watching Blu-ray movies etc) is a core feature of the PS3 whereas 'OtherOS' was at best a supplementary feature used by the vast minority. Vocal minorities will inevitably whinge disproportionately about everything, that's the unavoidable nature of all internet forums. However, it's important to note that the silent majority don't care about non-issues like this.
Doesnt matter how big or small it is. It was still advertised with that feature. Like I said, I dont give one damn about it, other than the 1% off chance that I might actually want to try out Linux on my PS3, but thats highly unlikely. All Im saying is, if youre going to advertise Linux support, you better keep that promise, or people will remember you for backing out. Its basically bait and switch. If Sony were to remove game or Blu-Ray support, you would have no right to complain since you think removing the "other OS" feature is reasonable. Doesnt matter if it affects the minority or majority.
Also, removing "other OS" support to fight piracy just shows Sonys laziness. Wouldnt it be better on their image if they tightened security rather than removing the whole feature through pure laziness?
Technically you're right however you can't put additional OS support on the same level as blueray or games. The PS3 is primarily a gaming machine, secondly a media machine and finally all the rest. Removing this feature could be compared to removing the backup feature or PSP remote play support or something like that but not, IMO, gaming.That said, you're still right. If a machine is advertised as having XXX functionality and then said functionality is removed 4 years after launch, people have a right to be annoyed. I think Sony have looked at the usage of this feature and decided that it's removal won't affect the majority of it's user base. I wouldn't be surprised if they cop a lot of flak for this tho!
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