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I cant believe people take things serious when its dated april 1....... the system update number ends with .21 and were curretly on .15 so even the numbering is strange. What do you guys with a pc actually use linux for.....?
I can see them putting the update up, having it remove OS feature then them going hahah its a joke and putting up 3.25 which reinstalls it on the 2nd of april.
Dunno if the security thing is true though - would you rather your ps3 be without hacks ect ( and because its so similar to PC now in certain ways - probably virus' ) or keep some other OS you rarely use or could use on your pc?
I cant believe people take things serious when its dated april 1....... the system update number ends with .21 and were curretly on .15 so even the numbering is strange.
I can see them putting the update up, having it remove OS feature then them going hahah its a joke and putting up 3.25 which reinstalls it on the 2nd of april.hotfiree
Sony aren't in the business of putting out press releases as part of a joke. I can't believe people actually think Sony would release something like this as a hoax. It's not even funny and doesn't get them a great deal of coverege.
What do you guys with a pc actually use linux for.....?hotfiree
See the same question answered at the top of the page. It's because of the cost and processing power of the units.
So who here is posting off their ps3???? Give me a reason to download it sony - give the original theme more colours!hotfiree
TBH I think that'd be more of a slap in the face than good. "Sorry guys we're taking away your Linux, but don't fret, because we're adding... wait for it... New colors."
[QUOTE="hotfiree"]So who here is posting off their ps3???? Give me a reason to download it sony - give the original theme more colours!TehSonofUgly
TBH I think that'd be more of a slap in the face than good. "Sorry guys we're taking away your Linux, but don't fret, because we're adding... wait for it... New colors."
I would rather new colours anyday. Like i said in the other topic "This is much beter in the end though guys - imagine if we loose devs like insomniac because they sell like 1/10th of what they do now if people pirate all their games. I would much rather have the ps3 remain unhacked ( and therefore still good sales for games - meaning more great games ) then some feature i would just use on a pc. Im not looking forward to the people winging how they do about cross game chat......"It (OtherOS) was still advertised with that feature.
Many Sources
This has been suggested by many, so I am not directly quoting anyone. But, does anyone know where this has been advertised? All of the advertising I have seen for the PS3 has highlighted games, multimedia (blu-ray etc), dolby and so forth. I can not find any Sony advertisements that cite OtherOS as a key selling point.
Any sources? :?
[QUOTE="TehSonofUgly"][QUOTE="hotfiree"]So who here is posting off their ps3???? Give me a reason to download it sony - give the original theme more colours!hotfiree
TBH I think that'd be more of a slap in the face than good. "Sorry guys we're taking away your Linux, but don't fret, because we're adding... wait for it... New colors."
I would rather new colours anyday. Like i said in the other topic "This is much beter in the end though guys - imagine if we loose devs like insomniac because they sell like 1/10th of what they do now if people pirate all their games. I would much rather have the ps3 remain unhacked ( and therefore still good sales for games - meaning more great games ) then some feature i would just use on a pc. Im not looking forward to the people winging how they do about cross game chat......"Well to counter your second point, that would never happen. Ever. Lets just say that the PS3 did get hacked in a way where pirating was a possibility, it wouldn't nearly be anywhere as bad as that, because
1. The other competing consoles (make that every console and pretty much every gaming device) have already been hacked like that and are right now having to deal with pirates.
2. As it stands right now, just to get some accessibilty to the PS3 hardware via this hack you have to open up the console and solder some things and whatnot. Imagine how it would be at first to pirate games on it (I know the procedure would get refined over time but I doubt it would be as easy to do as the other consoles or PC)
3. The games for the PS3 are huge (MGS4 taking up a dual layer Blu-Ray @ almost 45 gigs in data) so not only would it take along time to download it would take up a great deal of relastate on your HDD or it would cost some money in DL-Blu-Ray discs (Obviously $10 is still better deal than $60 but this is still a big deterent in piracy as far as I'm consered.)
And lastly, the original point of the hack (and only hack right now) is only ultimatly gain accessibility to the other cores of the cell and the RSX while in OtherOS mode (neither of which have been fully utilized yet)
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