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[QUOTE="fezano"]Okay..thats until you can proove you didnt make any if not all of this up...I think this thread serves very little purpose... yup that about sums it all upThere is some info about killzone that i like to share.dont ask me where i get it because someone may lose his/her job.dont worry this info will soon be on many websites to confirm its true
1.General discussion
the informer and i had many chit chat.the summary is below
Q:-why next gen game dont look that much next gen?
A:-There are many reasons.the first is that consoles have limitations but pc dont have these 2004 next gen games for pc start coming out(doom,far cry, halflife2)but consoles were designed back in99.after that many pc games come with great gfx like f.e.a.r and many other so thedifference became very less.if it was only consoles than grafix difference would have been great.second is of course higher resolution for consoles which take quit processing power.third is that you just dont have to count texture but also many effects, animation, draw distance,interaction with environment.
Q:-Which is better Among nextgen?
A:-all three are great.each have its own uniqeness.Because of such a hard competition people are getting better games and consoles.
Info on Kill Zone
Q:-Does killzone looks like trailor?
A:-I cant tell you that(laughs).but i can give you some info on engine.we are working on this engine for about two years. and game development has been started from the month of november.we are adding tons of effectand trying not to make mistake we last made.
Q:-tell us about engine and effects?
A:-well our engine is specifically designed for ps3.utlizing the cell andrsx the most we can.abou effects there will be lot of them likediffusable light,HDR,destructible environment,and effects of mvement on particles to name a few.
Q:-Some of the effects you stated aredx10!Does it means ps3 supports dx10?
A:-NO!the designe andarchitecture of consoles is very different from pc.some effects can only be created on consoles and other on pc.for example ps2 didnt have most effects of Dx8 but it supported many other.
Q:-what are difficulties you are facing this time?
A:-Many!there are many.Killzone is a realistic shooter so we are trying to bring relism.we hve to give large scale battles.this is giving us challenge.YOu can have highly detailed four personon screen at once.but when you make it 40 some sacrifices are to made.similarly one is destructible can make wholes in wall and blow certain things but not all or youcan blow bildings an create a shortcut.we are trying to balance few things.similarly one is deformed terrain left in its condition which means if you blow a car it should remain there even broken glasses and small pieces should be there.problems are not only graphicall but others also.lifelike animations, AI,variety in levels and many other like game should not be repitive and also new type of multiplayer.the biggest is living upto expectations and challeging other next gen games notonlyfor consoles but also pc(crysis).
Q:-somemore info?
A:-well we are trying to make killzone better than trailer not only graphically but also game play wise.we are thinking of adding boss fights but thety wont be at the end of stage.this is how ever uncertain.
The informer also told that why we havent heared of game for long time because there are many restriction at gureilla.thats why nothing new is heared about game.They wont even allow trashed artwork to comeout.Then he told developer are also thinking of making a level like the trailer and surprising the people by handing over the controller to peopl where you fight after cutscene instead of just watching.he told thaht game is likly to be released this winter
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