Just got my psp. It says that I need to charge the batteries before I play. But can I start to charge it and then start to play while it's charging? Dont want to hurt the little one :)
i did that cos i was so joyfull and nothings wrong (if i dont count the leprechaun that pops out of the umd drive and calls me a barbie action man and dances macarena)
Wll I dont kno about you when I got my first PSP it didnt need charging I Just opened it up and started playing WOOHOO...but W8 a minute 6 hours later I GOT NO BARS:( SO guess WUT I DO!!!...I put it on the charger DEH DEH DUHHH!!! and what do you know im playin and ...what do we got here ITS CHARGING Magnifico... Top Of the Day to you Ser *Pants* Im Done
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