I dont get it... why is everyone upset at home? It is a free service that allows you to talk to other PS3 users. I mean people it is just like coming onto gamespot and talking PS3 business but ACTUALLY talking. So, for all the people coming on here calling Home dumb I hope you do not have alot of posts on here cause that is really being a hypocrite imo.
I mean can you all just think about last Gen????
Ok now think about how that online was? Now think about the possibilities Home is giving us. I mean I swear some people are just whinners.
I say Thank You Sony for trying something new in the CONSOLE GAMING community. I am also looking forward to all your First party games coming out and third party games like: uncharted 2,GOW3, SF4,Tekken, KZ2, etc...
Lastly for all the people that say it is like second life I will have to disagree there too. In second life that is exactly what it is aiming to be... a second life that a person can live out the life they want to have or be comfortable talking to people in the virtual world that they can not talk to in the real world.
Home does not have the purpose of doing that. Home SEEMS to be a place where you and some friends in the PSN community can hang out and talk games, watch movies, share pictures, or even listen to music together. I love this idea, because even though I am a very outgoing person I like the fact that I can talk to my PSN friends from Canada and we can sit down and watch a movie together or talk about games or do what ever else I listed above.
All and all I say good job Sony.... I also say good job Microsoft. Because both of these companies are trying to change the way we interact with one another in the gaming industry and like I said before it is FREE...
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