Last week i purchased NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA and hoped to enjoy it 2 the fullest or so i thought ( How wrong i was !!!) .
Now , OMG ... NGS damn hard guys at least 4 me :( , Whoa !!! i don't recall playing such a hardcore game before ( I haven't played NG on Xbox be4 2 ) O.o
Damn , the game is giving me plenty of sweats , frustation as more the game progressing even on normal mode :(
But i'll keep on trying to beat the game , wish me best of luck all of you guys :)
Srry 4 my lilttle rant above , but my topic was meant what is your opinion on NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA ?
I want everybodys opinion who have beaten NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA , is how to manage this otherwise hard game ?
But ye , i'm keeping on trying :) I'm on Chapter six n got stuck while beating some biker boyz , then some dinos , lastly a big octopus kinda thing , dunno its name :( I ain't getting checkpoint after beating the biker boyz n dinos :(
And how many of you found the game hard still beaten it ? can you pls suggest me the secret of beating Ninja Gaiden Sigma ?
Thanking everybody in advance :)
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