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the Helghast are a faction of humans who were banished to helghan. why they were sent there... i dont think is explained. on that planet, the environment mutated them to become stronger creatures. the reason why all of them wear masks is because they must breathe the air that is on the planet of Helghan, which their race has adapted to.
having a vendetta against the humans, they attack them on the planet Vetka, which is the most outer planet that humans have colonized. this is the story of the first Killzone.
also... for some odd reason... there are a few people who are a mix between human and helghan. how that happens is still beyond me.
and as a question for anyone who knows... are there any female helghans??
I never got to play it so can someone fill me in on what the helghast actually are and do you ever get to see their face?954LatinoThug
Here's some info from a pretty big killzone nerd.
Humans leave ISA (Earth Territory) go to Helghan become Helghast (Imagine Planet with tear gas like air)
ISA wages a war with Helghast....war is long and wages all over the place..Helghast finally surrender.
ISA accepts and Helghast go silent.....On their homeworld a dictator comes to power inciting a Facist Mentality on the Helghast that is a direct comparison to Hitler and and a defeated Germany in the 20's. (even uses Swastika like symbol, colors, rallies, and future looking nazi uniforms.)
He rallies his people to war and in little over a decade launches a full blown assualt against the ISA. The tip of the invasion is the Helghast 3rd Army attacking Vekta.
Using a traitor the Helghast bypass a nasty orbital battle and begin a blitz of the groun forces quickly blowing them away. However, the plan goes awry and the Helghast lose the platform......the ISA fleet shows up and levels the battle....
enter liberation
Vekta battle rages on...
Killzone 2
Two years later the war has progressed to every coner of ISA territory just shy of Earth itself.
In a moment comparable to the opening of Star Wars Episode III the ISA forces attack the Helghast Homeworld of Helghan itself to capture the Helghast dictator and end the war before any more lives are lost.
(many fans think this happens because the Helghast fleet is smaller and entangled in other battles, leaving Helghan wide open.)
/Nerd rant
ya, it was something like politcal/religious opression~ I can't remember really. All I remember is they went to Helgan, the planet's environment changed them, they adapted and became Helgast. As Helgast they found themselves being discriminated against and harrased, a dictator came to power and all hell broke loose shortly thereafter.
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