It honestly depends. I live in a college town, in a house with five of my friends. All of us have Xbox 360s, and two of them have PS3s. We have one of the PS3s in the living room on the big screen because Blu Rays are just way too awesome. However, the gaming side of it is hit and miss. Both of them had to buy high definition cables seperate. Not sure if that is just for the MGS4 editions or not (they are both the MGS4 bundle). Also, I have yet to see a multiplat, besides Oblivion, which is superior on PS3. Don't get me wrong, there is no drastic difference, but there is a slight difference. It is kind of a pain because it certainly costs more, but some games are just plain ugly after seeing it on our 360s. I will say that the PS3 exclusives we own can hold up with about any 360 excusive though. MGS4, for example, looks great. Online is something to think about as well. It may be that we all also have 360s, but the PS3 online is just something none of us have ever gotten into. Every multiplat online game for PS3 just seems to have a larger community on 360. Exclusives, like Resistance, are awesome though (even if it is a bit quiet).
Not sure if I will get modded for mentioning 360, but I just thought you would want an honest suggestion from someone who uses a PS3 often. My verdict: If you have the money, certainly get one. The exclusives are definitely worth it, but we all get more use out of the awesome Blu Ray player. It is a pretty, and quiet machine. Lets just say that after using both of the roommate's units extensivley that I will be purchasing one as well.
(I absolutely did not mean to troll. I had to mention the other console to explain some of my points!) 8)
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