I've owned a DS for several months now and while I'm impressed with some of the great games it has to offer, I'm dissapointed with its waves upon waves of god awful crap (with the occasional good game) as well as the pathetic 3d capabilities. I'd originally wanted to pick up a PSP when it was released back in march 2005, but ended up buying a slimline PS2 at the last minute instead.
Over these two years I was never really interested but that changed recently when I began to learn more about its capabilities and actually saw one for the first time in person. I love the idea of a real 16-32 player multiplayer experience. But I'm somewhat dissapointed, as with the DS, with the serious lack of quality software. Still, there are several games which look great to me. They are:
-Metal Gear Portable Ops
-Pursuit Force
-GTA 3 and GTA Vice City Stories
-The Warriors
-Burnout Dominator
-Burnout Legends
-Prince of Persia Rival Swords
-Medal of Honor: Heroes
-Twisted Metal Head On
-Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
-Syphon Filter PSP (forget the title)
and several others
Overall I'm not too terrible worry about defects but I am somewhat concerned about battery life. I could keep multiple batteries, but realistically what is the battery life when playing games? It seems no one can give me a definitive answer on this (i.e., its always "well, if you're playing X under settings Y, minus the common dinominator divided by the sum of the square root of 30 minutes, subtracting 7 and the # of heat waves from room lighting and time of day......" its like WHAT THE HELL, CAN I JUST GET A STRAIGHT ANSWER?.....lol sorry about the rant
Anyways I was just wondering if, based on your experiences, you could recommend the PSP to me or not.
and P.S.
Is Medal of Honor Heroes worth getting? I know it got 7.3 but I'm not concerned that its incredibly short and has weak A.I., does the 30 or 32 player multiplayer really work in this game?
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