storm_of_swords: I have was courteous in my first response to you, saying "huh?" and then providing some answers as you dropped off a single response the TC could use (Rayman). I even said happy gaming at the end and provided an awesome link/resource for the TC. You did not respond as politely to my response, and the rest is history. It's your reliance on many fallacies including ad hominems, argumentum ad numeram, argumentum ad populum, and a few others and that was your undoing. I knew when your name was in this forum, in this thread, it was going to be something similar to what you did. To use your own way of thinking: "I did look right through your BS" you are known for.
You were incorrect on multiple fronts, but it seems that's why you visited this forum to deposit a single recommendation (Rayman) and to recommend he purchase of a new discontinued gaming console. That's all you did before I engaged providing many choices to the TC. I've seen this exact approach before generations ago from the NES era onward. "Buy the Sega Master System, the NES doesn't have as many fun mp games!" Funny how history looks at those two machines now. Even later I heard and read, "Sega Genesis has more adult, and better MP offerings than the NES". It's a joke to read today as most gaming historians now know the truth, but I heard many times in electronic stores of yesteryear. Same will be when people look back decades from now about the PS4's co op games. People that don't know libraries may actually fall for these shady tactics, but google proves there are indeed some fantastic mp games across the board on PS4 (hell, I didn't even get into SPORTS, but there are a LOT of highly rated Sports MP games on PS4 from MLB: The Show to NBA to NHL to Madden to even WWE games, etc).
First of all, "Great" is subjective; for instance I hate racing, so no matter how "great" a racer is, I will hate it, not to mention one mans junk is another man's treasure. Another person may hate fighting or FPS games. This family man has to deal with what his kids like and he likes, and we don't know the criteria, so we can't assume he will like one game YOU consider great. Now, we can get more objective rather than use what you think is great by looking at gathered scores as objectively as possible and then we have a basis for comparison, in this case Metacritic. For instance, MK8 you listed is only an 88/100 meta (good score for a racer you mentioned), I listed plenty of games that are 80s meta. You listed two other 90+ games on Wii U. That's not "a lot", and I'm well versed on every game the Wii U offers as I bought all the gems since launch 2012 (unlike others, I don't buy machines late). I set out to provide the TC some game that may or may not miss the mark. That's on the TC, I'm just throwing up blind darts.
Surely you must realize that even if you hated my list of 100 games, that there is even MORE games to choose from that I didn't list? Also, even supposing 50% of my list You consider not good, or simply decent by metacritic standards, then you must also realize that the other 50% may be helpful to the TC? Yes, that's right, it's not about what you didn't like in my list, it's about what the TC can use, and what you should have liked in my list. I again maintain you either lack experience in many of these games to simply ignore them, or an agenda. I'm not talking about all the games, but merely the very good/great ones I posted for the TC.
It's simple. Just because I listed what you consider a "bad game" or multiple games you think are merely okay, doesn't disqualify all the actual good-great games I listed as well. It's up to the TC though, right? He should be more invested than you are in this conversation. It sure beats just knowing the PS4 is good for only Rayman and that it's time for him to buy a new discontinued console. Unlike you though, I'm not going to assume to know what is considered appropriate or great to the TC.
I listed some games that got great scores in the same neighborhood as MK8 from:
- Towerfall Ascension (Bomberman like four player fun)
- Resogun
- Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate (AMAZING GAME, can't suggest it highly enough)
- Pacman 256 (New and fantastic MP)
- Trine 2
- Helldivers
- Double Dragon 2
- Guacamelee
- Lego games (At least 6 games: Jurassic Park, Batman, Marvel, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Dimensions...TC may not know all)
- Lego City Undercover (coming soon)
- Child of Light
- Rockband 4
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
- Angry Birds StarWars
- Don't Starve Together
- Tricky Towers (it's a puzzler, the more the merrier)
- LittleBigPlanet 3
- Skylanders to
- Just Dance
- Singstar
- Disney Infinity
- Call of Duty: BO3
- Call of Duty: Advance Warfare
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
I can't (NOR CAN YOU) judge this persons family or what he considers quality or what genres he plays with his kids (some parents aren't concerned with violence as others, others are very particular about genre), but I know kids. I have bought some low 60s games that they enjoy that I would not, which is why games like the the terrible low scoring Animal Crossing: Amiibo Crossing 46/100 meta the kids will still play even though I know it's a turd.
You talk about games YOU consider "Terrible", but who are you to judge? Should not the OP make his decision by research? He may see that Ghostbusters got a 60s metascore, but also realize his kids will LOVE it. Better to be aware that such a game exists rather than not know a Ghostbusters multiplayer game exists. Some kids like Ghostbusters for example, I know my nephew and niece love each GB game (even own the cartoons on DVD), even buying the DLC of Ghostbusters on Lego Dimensions. I didn't knowingly inflate, I simply sought to prove that the PS4 had a LOT more than one single Rayman game for the TC to consider, and I can't know what his kids might fancy. You would have misled the TC into thinking over a hundred different games don't exist simply because you don't consider them "great". That's what owning my Wii U was actually like though, droughts and droughts and fun 1st party games, but actual games not releasing on the platform hurt. The TC actually has a system that the majority of the 3rd party publishers support. The PS4 doesn't have the drought problems as there is a plethora of 3rd party MP games to choose from, it's a matter of researching the right games for oneself or ones family, and hopefully seeking out higher quality.
At the very least you have to admit there is more than just a single Rayman game for the TC to consider, maybe you think my list is too long, but your list is far too short (a single game) and ends with breaking the forum rules to sell a discontinued Wii U console.
It's up to this the OP (chriscoolguy) to research his purchases, to figure out what is appropriate for his family both in quality, genre, franchises, and adult content (some parents are okay with their kids playing Diablo III, others not so much), but I did my part and offered fantastic games and other options (teen rated or lower quality) as well as offering high quality offerings....WHILE sticking to the rules of this particular forum.
Peace be with you.
TC, when you do settle on some games, hit up the forum! :P
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