[QUOTE="hxczuner"] If Sony was smart we would've already been guaranteed exclusivity. One would think that, by now, they would know how to through money around like M$oft. Maybe they need to lose a few more exclusive franchises first.
On the other hand, they've been getting awfully cocky lately. PS3 sales are way up. As long as Tretton is fat and happy I'm expecting some big things this year.
In my opinion Final Fantasy Versus XIII could have been their most attractive exclusive probably mainly because of its name recognition, but it looks like a beautiful game too. Sony's probably a little reluctant to take it only because they can no longer tout off "only possible on the PS3" now that Square mentioned the possibility of it going crossplatform. They probably still would say it anyways if it doesn't go crossplatfrom but not without looking like jackasses. I'll get it regardless of if it goes crossplatform or not because it looks like a more traditional Final Fantasy game. I never got onboard with the whole gunplay for FFXIII, not to mention the claims going around that it has cheesy plot. Anyways a Final Fantasy Versus XIII announcement even that its crossplatform at Microsofts conference would be devastating, because in my opinion it could have made Best of show, at least as far as I'm concerned. Also in my opinion if Versus goes multiplat I'm going to personally disregard any more rumors that a supposed 3rd party exclusive is going to remain a 3rd party exclusive. Its on the same level to me as if Metal Gear Solid 4 went crossplatform. I'm that shocked that the possibility is even up in the air right now. I'm going to count on Kingdom Hearts 3 going multiplat if it does.
As long as the PS3 version of FF Versus XIII isn't compromised because of lack of disc space on the dvd-9s and we don't have to wait for the development on the 360 I'll be ok with it I suppose. (not trying to start trouble, just been looking forward to this game for a loooong looooooong time and won't be happy if I have to wait even loooooooooooonger or if I get a trimmed down experience on account of this decision.)
I do count on Sony dropping some big bombs as you're saying though, but this was their nuke in my opinion, thats all I'm saying, it was going to be the 1 rpg Sony got any exclusivity on this gen from Square Enix, the only one worth a damn at least. This probably won't even hit this E3 though, as someone said I think earlier in this thread Square is "considering it" which means they'll probably be sitting on it for a while hoping to see Sony sweat some good offers.
I actually loved FFXIII, it was just as much a Final Fantasy game as any other and and most real fans of the series recognize that. Anyone I've talked too who isn't just an "I love cloud FFVII is the **** person loves it. I can definitely see how the Multiplat announcement midway through development hindered it though. I love that game :)
And apparently Killzone 3 was confirmed tonight so there goes that one :/
Cool, I'll have to play FFXIII, I do love the series, I played everything after FFVII with the exception of XII, I started XII I just couldn't get on board that mmo wannabe style it had going on, I just felt like there should be other players, I think I quit playing it before the 2nd cinematic even.
I think IV is the other one I played, and it was good, I got very far, but I don't believe I beat it for whatever reason. All the ones VII and on that I actually gave a chance were great, I even played FFX-2 a little but couldn't get into that either. I think Square Enix made a stupid mistake in assuming that since Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't well received being a traditional jrpg (despite not being a traditional Final Fantasy) and since Final Fantasy XI was well received that was the direction gamers wanted Square to take the future rpgs. Personally I am glad they went to their roots, because JRPGs just have a certain trait about them that no other game can satisfy. They are one genre I guess you could say I don't want to evolve too much.
I kind of figured Killzone 3 would be there, but confirmation is always good, I guess I was kind of figuring Final Fantasy Versus XIII was going to be at E3 last year and was disappointingly surprised to its abscense, and I hope it goes the other way this year as I'm expecting its abscense due to Square mentioning that they are "considering" the possibility of it going multiplat. Deep down I'm hoping thats Squares ploy to capture the people who exclusively own a 360s attention so that they want it so badly that they can't do without it, and the ones who can afford a PS3 might get one over it. However, on the surface I know what an extremely unlikely conspiracy theory this is and it is most certainly not the case. So here I am not expecting it, but very ready to be blown away if it is present.
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