Does anyone know or have heard Sony's plans on ps1 and ps2 games? Since the PS3 cant play last gen games are they thinking of putting all PS2 and PS1 games on the PSN? I hope so theres so many games that were on the last gen consoles that would suck now that i cant play them again
just ebay yourself a 60GB ps3 thats what I just did for xmas as its fully backwards compatiable i got it for 351 including shipping with spider man 3 blu ray and an HDMI cable
you can get some good deals on there ignore the stupidity of ebay is evil its not some great deals on there
last year i got my 360(still works fine) with 9 games and 2 controllers and all the right cables and a month of xbox live for 520 bucks
so take a look there of course thats assuming you dont have a ps3 but if you do get a ps2 undera 100 bucks
Seems like Sony is taking a long time to add games to the Playstation Store...
I think it'd might be more of legal rights if anything with PS1 games. These games had contracts created in the late 90's that have long since expired. I don't know why the JP has better PS1 games. But I'm pretty sure there's a demand in NA too.
I have a japanese account too, and that store has loads of ps1 games to download, no ps2 games yet, but they have all the resident evils, metal gear solid, and any good rpg to remember from the ps1, I dont know why the us store doesn't have it yet
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