[QUOTE="Gxgear"]Xbox 360 automatically upscales games to 1080p, when native resolution is almost always 720p or lower.
PS3 by default plays the game at their native resolutions, and can manually configured to force upscale to 1080p.
How do people not know this by now...?
how do you know if a game is native 720 or upscaled? for example heavy rain is 720, but like ssfIV is 720 on ps3 and 1080 on back of 360 box, does this mean the game is native 720 and xbox is 'lying' about the resolution on the box?Correct. They are lying, in a sense. Can the game be displayed at 1080P? Yes. Is that Native resolution? Oh HELL no. The only platform that can promise games rendered in true 1080P right now is the PC.
A game's upscaled resolution isn't important. It's the Native resolution that matters. Look at Call Of Duty on consoles. People think it looks good because it runs at 60 frames per second. But the textures and detail look like crap because the game is rendered at a Native resolution of 600P. That's SUB-HD. Halo 3 runs at 640P Native. Again, SUB-HD. MGS4 is sub-HD. The 360 version of FFXIII runs at 576P (720P for cutscenes) vs the PS3's 720P for gameplay and 1080P for cutscenes (Native). The PS3 version of Bayonetta is sub-HD.
If you have an HDTV, chances are it has a scaler built into it so images lower than its maximum resolution will fill the screen. See that 720P video game you're playing? Good God, it's filling the screen!
Congratulations, you have NO NEED to upscale the image as it has already been done for you. Upscaling 720P to 1080P does NOTHING for image quality. Want me to prove it? I've got Photoshop and some free time. :)
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