I tried to find some "expets" on the AVforums but I could only find experts and they all agree with me :)[QUOTE="BaconB1ts123"]
What you need to understand is what I post is 100% fact, dont believe me, then your quite welcome to go over the AV forums and post this thread over there and see what the 'expets' say. Otherwise, if you dont have any knowledge, then dont comment on something you know nothing about.shawty1984
And your willing to prove that are you? Are what? Everyone agrees that playing on a big screen is better then sitting 2 ft in front of a 24" monitor. I have never met anyone that said "Man, I wish I could play on a little screen. That would be so cool!" I can't speak for every store but all the ones around here sell a lot of big screen tvs and don't have customers saying," Yeah it is a nice 50" screen but do you have it in 24" cause I like to sit right in front of it with my buddies sitting almost on top of me so they can squint at it too."
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