Okay, I feel I have somewhat of a unique PS3 problem. Looking for some serious trouble shooting advice for people that really know what they're doing. First the issue:
Yesterday while playing The Sly Collection my PS3 froze up and I was unable to re-load the game. It would fade to black while loading. I restored my file system and it said my HD was corrupted and it would restore it. The game was able to then load up for about 10 minutes before the same thing happened, would freeze up. Tried several other games, same problem.
I then did a complete format of the hard drive, within 10 minutes it was doing the same thing again. I figured I needed a new hard drive, this one is constantly getting corrupted and messing up my games.
I did some research and noticed that everyone that had this issue had it resolved when they put in a new hard drive.
I went out and bought a brand new one. I decided to leave off all my data from my old backups. I didn't want to transfer over any corrupt files to the new hard drive and I really don't mind playing some games again.
Anyway, after about 10 minutes the NEW hard drive became corrupted as well and the freezing began again.
I know this is possibly a internal problem other than the hard drive that's causing the freezing but why do the HDs keep getting corrupted in the process?
Is there anything I can do at this point other than get a new PS3 or send it in for repair? I feel I went through all the troubleshooting. Is there anything I'm missing, anything else I can do?
I will WUL anyone willing to help and will greatly appreciated it. Thanks to anyone that took the time to read this as well.
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