If you want a PS3 get it. At $300 it is a better value than the 360.
The top tier titles I would say are
Killzoone 2
Resistance and R 2
Ratchet and Clank and soon to be R and C on PS3 2 as well as the downloadable game R and C quest for booty
Uncharted and soon to be Uncharted 2
Little Big Planet
Valkyria Chronicles
Wipeout HD
Metal Gear Solid 4
great games to a bit lesser extent
Motorstorm and Motorstorm 2
Hot Shots Golf 5
Ridge Racer 7
Siren Blood Curse
Disgaea 3
a lot of people like Heavenly Sword although it is short
Socom is another game that some people like and hate both equally
Ninja Gaiden sigma 1 and 2 have extra content to xbox versions
Unreal Tournament 3 also is a significantly better multiplat as well as eternal sonata
That is like 25 or so games out right now worth checking in to
There are future games to look out for such as
White Knight Chronicles
Demon Souls
Katamari Forever
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Mod Nation Racers
God of War 3
and also more.
There are plenty games for PS3 so go get it if you want it.
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