Title says it all. Is anyone else having this issue? I've had to unplug the system for it to turn on again. Trying to turn it on I use both the controller and the button on the console and nothing happens.
@GTR12: They changed stand-by to rest mode. For some reason it won't wake up.
I'm going to start just turning it off every time I use it. Is there anything wrong with doing this?
Whoever at Sony decided to rename it rest mode is an idiot.
Don't just turn it off, put it in stand-by (yes Sony, I'm calling it stand-by as we've done since it existed, go get stuffed with your rest mode bullshit), and then switch off the power at the back.
PS. "Rest mode" is a bullshit name Sony.
I have never used this Stand-by mode since I got my PS4 at launch. I always turn it off completely via the option menu. Whatever floats your boat though.
I'm having another problem I keep putting it into rest mode it stays in there for awhile and shows me with the light and after so long the whole thing just shuts down instead of staying in rest mode.
and I agree Rest mode is the most stupidest name I've ever heard, who is in control here.
to my experience, rest mode (yeah the name blows), turns off the orange led on top, that used to be always on during standby, however downloads are still being made, so it does not turn off the system...
thank god for that lol. i thought my system was failing lol
@SgtSutton: Same for me. Have to manually power up the console every morning. Then when I restart the console, it berates me for "improperly shutting down".
This happened to me once also right after the update. I will not put it in standby/rest mode again until they patch the system again.
@BranKetra: It's alright my console is still under warranty so Sony will have to fix it if unplugging the power cable breaks it. Hope Sony fixes this issue soon.
Is there any update as to whether Sony is aware of this issue and plans to fix it because I accidentally put into rest mode yesterday only to kill my PS4...AGAIN. **sigh**
@SgtSutton: just bought a brand new ps4 last night, updated the software and set a few games to be installed, put the console in 'rest mode' and I had the same issue, it would not wake after being in rest mode by either power button on the console or the ps buttton on the controller, is this a software issue? As I have already had one ps4 die on me, hoping this can be easily resolved... my solution was to turn the console off by unplugging it and plugging it back in, seems to be ok now.
No not having the problem yet, but I had a problem like two updates ago. When you would take the system out of standby mode it would come up with the "console was not shut down properly" error, and the PS4 would want to run scandisk on the system every time. That was a pain in the butt. Luckily the next update fixed it. So hopefully the next update will fix yours.
I completely shut down my PS4 so I never encountered this problem, it isn't like it takes a lot of time to boot either.
@bezza2011: You should check you setting, it is probably set to stay in stand-mode for like 3h and then shut down.
@LizxLiz In case you haven't noticed this is a one year old thread, as for the booting up from the sleep mode, that was a glitch that was patched few weeks after the firmware update was released in October 2014.. To my knowledge and numerous friends I play with, there hasn't been any problems since that update.
Please don't revive year old threads.. ;p
I avoid sleep/rest mode, it's always causing PS4 to reboot/crash. I only use it when I'm charging my PS4 and it seems that if you unplug the controller before waking it from sleep mode it crashes, but I've also had it crash when powering it back up from sleep/rest mode when the controller is still plugged in so I just avoid it. I always just shut the system down unless I'm downloading something.
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