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Well, considering the gradual increase in size from the PS1 to the PS3, I'm guessing it will be about the size of a Ford Festiva, and similarly priced but slightly more power consuming. It will play BluRays, but not DVDs -- those wishing to play DVDs can purchase a PS3, after all.
In spite of this, I'm also sure that I'll purchase it on or close to launch day, lol.
Guys but dont PS's come out every 6 years?GamespotRocksWo
Incorrect... Sony Playstation has a guaranteed 50-year life cycle. :P
Incredible. We won't see the graphical leap between the PS3-4 like PS2-3. It will likely use cheaper hardware and alot of improved PS3 technology. But imagine PSN. Wow that will be sweet!gamefan274
actually i beg to differ.. crysis already looks better then just about anything the ps3can pump out (this is not fanboy talk, this is technical fact) and thats not to say the ps3 looks bad (graphically) by any stretch of the imagination. however in the immediate year following crysis's release there was a HUGE jump in graphical rendering, shadow rendering, physics processing including many other graphical jumps that haven't been included in ANY game to this date as they can produce the video card to run it, however the current on market PC's dont have the rest of the hardware to support it..
of course this jump is VERY expensive and we all know that sony wont be taking as many risks with the ps4 (sadly.. because with a graphical jump like that they would PWN everything else that would be on the market).. but just because they arnt going to make THAT big a jump doesn't mean that we wont see a jump, even if its a small one.
The PS4 will be at the very least5 to8 times more powerfull than the PS3.Sony is going to play chickenwith microsoft's Xbox 720. In a bold yet seemingly foolish move SONY will give micrsoft about a 2 year headstart. This will ensure 2 things 1) The xbox 720 will Iron out the wrinkles of the next-next gen system.sony wont think much of this because by then PS3 will have and extensive library and will still be electronicly competent and relevant. much like the PS2 was towards the end of its lifespan. 2) By the time PS4 comes out the 720 will have lost the novelty factor and will have been made electronicly obsolete by the new playstation hardware. thus prompting a new trend in harware development in which next gen releases will be intermitent rather than simultaneus.
The PS4 will feature hardware that will be about5 to8 times more powerfull than the PS3. It will be entirely solid state technology both the hard drive and the cooling system will have no moving parts. PS4 will also do away with disks and instead use a combination of downloads and maybe even cassets like the DS. on newer more capable SD cards.
The new system will be much smaller, much cooler and have only 1 cord for power all other inputs and outputs will be via wireless technology at the most it will have an extra cable for the tv output. so that it would be compatable with older technology. It might even include a Docking station of sorts in which extra peripherals or inputs/ outputs will conect to but the system itself will focus on being stand alone/streamlined and self contained.
It will support real 3d technology and either do it through a monitor or through the use of VR goggles possibly doing away with the infamous camera control. Sony will experiment with Wii'ish technology. *im not so sure about this last one.
@SuperMario254: I totally agree that there could be a very noticeable graphical jump, but the PS3 is already capable of more than whats been seen. Killzone 2 already pawns Crysis's graphics by far, and we're likely to see even more improvements in the next few years. I don't think its a matter of what the PS3 is capable of, but a matter of how much work the developers are willing to put into it. We're going to continue to get less than revolutionary third party stuff do to the fact that they develope for 360 as well. 360 is holding us back. First party exclusives, however, are the best games we've seen on a console (MGS4, KZ2, even LBP). If developers start putting a little more effort into it I really don't think we'll need a PS4 for many many years to come. Nephilim83
it may "PAWN" it in terms of textures... but "graphics" its a very large category.. under which many things fall such as but not limited to: textures, draw shadow's, lighting, bit mapping, bump mapping, ect. ect. which the ps3 falls short on.. again that is not to knock it, as i am a sony fan (note: not fanBOY but a fan) but there are alot of things done by pc's atm that the ps3 simply cannot do due to limitations by the hardware. and again, i dont expect the ps4 to blow anyone away in terms of graphics as sony went out on a limb this gen and sadly.. paid for it at the start which seems to have shaken them up a bit, so i think its safe to say that next gen they are gonna try to play it a bit more on the safe side (not to say the ps4 will suck) but i wouldnt expect anything HUGE in terms of a pure graphical standpoint.. may handle physics a bit better and a few other things, just dont be expecting it to be like the second coming of Jesus or anything *insert raptor Jesus pic here*
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