[QUOTE="rahstar"] Let me start by saying that a forum is a place where you come to express your oppinion good or bad, among other things.
With that said i just want to say the playstation network update today was not good. Granted ive been waiting for the folklore demo and im happy i can get it now, but im tired of making myself feel better by saying at least ive got something. I was just pointed out that the "other" system has a demo for EVERYarcade game available. EVERY SINGLE ONE!
Now this is the point where someone usually says "If you dont like this system get the other one." I bought the ps3 and ps3 only because i prefer this system, but that doesnt mean its without flaw. The "give it time things will get better" is over now, a company this big shouldnt need that much time to get more content on there store.
I really and sincerly hope this doesnt turn into a war and i get only intelligent comments whether you agree or disagree. But the Bottom line is: Things are only gonna get better when we start expressing to the company that we want better and stop acting like everything is ok! And why does it seem like the europe, usa, and japan psn's are competing for demos instead of being the same company.
P.S. You can check my history to see that I actually prefer playstation and im not here trolling.
You trying to make yourself feel better by saying "You got something" is your own fault. Just be satisfied with what sony IS giving us. All some of your bring the the threads are whinning and meaningless complaints. You guys set yourself up for defeat when you hype yourself up for hot updates. We're still in the crawling phase of the ps3 and you guys are expecting it to run marathons. Let it live, let it breathe.
Ok people lets try to keep a cool head. Things started off calm and intelligent now it seems to be getting a little heated and im not speaking about the person im quoting^^^^
Now on to the person im quoting. The part in your post i have highlighted is a total contradiction. You tell me saying that is my own fault but then you say the same thing in a different way, wow! I do not believe im wrong for expecting more from the psn. You guys keep saying why compare live to psn when live has 3years or what ever on the psn. FOR THE LAST TIME, i am not doing that. Live six months after the 360 was released was better than the psn now as far as demos and content that they offer for free. The only thing you have to pay for is multiplayer which is a knock on the other system, i agree. Being free is no excuse for lack of demos for there own sponsored games at least!
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