Yes, it is annoying that the Playstation netowrk has to do the temporary authorization since the amounts you can get in your virtual wallet are pretty small. This is from Sony's website:
If you make multiple purchase attempts at the PlayStation®Store, each attempt may create a temporary authorization* (i.e. held funds) for that amount in your credit card account.
When purchasing items at the PlayStation®Store with your credit card, the purchase amount can appear on your bank statement even if the transaction did not complete successfully during the time of (attempted) purchase. In these instances, the purchase amount appearing on your statement are not actual charges, but they are temporary authorizations.* Nothing is actually charged or withdrawn from your account (since the PlayStation®Store transaction failed), however, temporary authorizations can be held from your total credit card balance until it is automatically dropped by your bank.
*Temporary authorizations are held against your balance to guarantee the funds for the transaction amount. Since this may affect your available remaining balance, we recommend contacting your bank for exact policies on temporary authorizations. How long authorized funds are held is determined by your bank's policies. Please note that Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) does not have the ability to manually drop these authorizations from your bank or credit card account. Most financial institutions hold authorized funds anywhere from approximately 5 to 7 business days, however, some banks may hold them longer. For your bank's specific policies, please contact them directly.
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