The PSP Go haters I know never actually touched one. Ever.
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I dislike download only things for the most part, thats why I dislike the PSP Go.
To answer thew topic question, no I have never used a PSP Go.
there is no UMD,how can we use it???Ratchet_Fan8
Yeah, how am I supposed to play all the games that I own without a disc drive? Even if I wanted to repurchase these off of PSN, potentially for a lot more than I originally paid, most of them are not even available.
No I haven't used one personally (I don't know anyone that actually has one). But I have done plenty of research, and it doesn't really offer that many features which are not present on my regular PSP. Especially for the premium Sony is asking.
The PSP Go haters I know never actually touched one. Ever.
I did. In fact, every time I'd go to best buy, even if just for a blu ray or music, I would toy around with both models for a few minutes. This is how I broke it down:
-I actually don't mind the smaller screen on the Go, because the image it produces is a little bit better than the 3000s.
-I don't like the slide function of the GO. Devices like this never last.
-It's nice that the Go is smaller, but because the screen is on the outside I would still end up buying a case for it anyways. And if the system is enclosed in a case it still requires me to carry a bag to bring it around, in most situations. So the size really isn't much of an advantage. This makes the hassle of carrying another case for umds less of a problem, if I'm already going to have a bigger bag on me for the systems/other belongings.
-Another thing I don't like is the DD aspect. Yes, it is convenient, but my problem with it is that it could lead to sony have full control over its pricing structure for games.
-$249.99?????!!!!!!! Sony, are you joking? Here's the problem with the price tag, and it isn't really even about the money. Over the years, consumers have gotten accustomed to spending less. What Sony tried tried/is trying to do with the Go, is get consumers used to seeing a higher price tag--especially for the looming release of the psp2. Ipods sell for 300-400 dollars, why not psps? So I just don't support that business model. Whenever I see the GO at $250, I think, "holy crap, the psp2 might cost $300 if this GO thing is a success."
-with the above stated, I'd then browse the umd selection. There are so many games for $20 and below its ridiculous. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for $14?
kinda off topic:
I will say that I often question why I'm even buying a psp this late in its life. I just spent $200 on a system I wont have till June 6th, and a psp 2 may be announced pretty soon.
One other concern I had with the Go, as I really considered getting it, was that with the impending release of the psp2, is sony even going to bother getting the rest of the original psps library on the PSN?
I love the fact it doesn't have a UMD drive. That is why it was made in the first place. To be a digital only console.
The UMD is on it's way out anyways. Never was a good format in the first place.
UMD better not be on the way out. Unless it's replaced by a better physical format. With the way Sony prices the digital versions there is no way I would buy a DD-only system of theirs.
I love the fact it doesn't have a UMD drive. That is why it was made in the first place. To be a digital only console.
The UMD is on it's way out anyways. Never was a good format in the first place.
UMD better not be on the way out. Unless it's replaced by a better physical format. With the way Sony prices the digital versions there is no way I would buy a DD-only system of theirs.
This. Street fighter 3 on PsN 20 bucks. Street fighter on 6.99.The Screen-On-The-Outside/ Slide Function statement above is one I support whole-heartedly, especially the case argument... As well as the library of games. Most all of the games I own have yet to surface on PSN for download. I'm not bothering with new hardware that doesn't even offer the old games. This design was really to try and fleece the US market, the GO is not selling very much or at all in the Japanese and other EU markets... it's the Americans who love downloading things to their electronics and the New Hotness in gizmo marketing.
I don't see the point in "upgrading" to something which is goingto limit my gamingchoices. The point is DIVERSITY and UTILITY. The Go has neither as those words apply to my personal life. Your milage may vary, but I bet when the PSP2 is announced (soon), there will be a LOT of unhappy Go adopters standing around with memory cards which don't translate to the new system (like DS owners who have DL'ed games and now there's a new DS coming, but you cannot transfer your DL purchases! THAT, my friends, is a SCAM!!!)
No I've never used a PSP Go but I'm against downloading games I'd rather own a physical copy of the game so that answers your question. Anyway downloads tend to cost more then buying the game new or used and plus with UMD I have more choice of games.
I'm not quite sure why DLC for the Go on PSN hasn't become a bit more in-line with some of these games' physical-world counterparts in terms of pricing... games like "Lara Croft" or "BUZZ" are even a couple of dollars-more expensive and the used copies are stacked up, so it's not like there's a difficulty finding it so DLC is the only alternative... Confusing. I really think they should open up the pricing if they want to get people on it. That, and bring a LOT of the older library onboard for download. But there are other problems and concerns for me...
I've always got my book bag when I'm out walking, so the "bulk" of a 3000 (in a case) is no imposition, nor is slipping a few choice UMDs (in addition to the reams of PS1 and PSP content I have on my 16G memory stick) into said case, and whatever. In my opinion they had some chances to do a few things which might have swayed me (library issues aside, for the sake of discussion), that they failed miserably at. I don't mean this to be a System Wars topic, but if I may use my DS Lite as an example, the clamshell design protects the screen, so it IS truely something I will just throw into the cargo pocket of my shorts before heading to the movie theater or family gathering, but the Go will still get scratches from pocket lint and every other thing (yes, dust and other abrasives get caught in your pocket lint) I'm carrying.
If I'm going to spend $250 on something, I'm certainly not going to treat it like anything but the Lady it is, and protect it from every possible harm. So , a case is a Must.
I don't mind the smaller screen because yes, images shrunk to suit are certainly going to look tighter and sharper, but I kind of like the bigger screen... I find the same thing with the DS - I am wanting a DSXL because my eyesight is getting worse (guess I shoulda sat back from the TV as a kid!) and if I'm already carrying it in a case, in my book bag, who cares if it's an ounce heavier? Splurge a little, live a litte! Ya know?
I find that games like "Jak & Daxter Lost Frontiers" looks PHENOMINAL to me on my 3000, at just the size and resolution it is presented... I could not want for more. And with a 16G stick ($65) I have all of the convenience of gaming, music, video, etc on the go as anyone has with a Go. I don't use a headset mic and I love the sound of my Sennheiser earbuds so wired is the way for me, and Pause-State, well, I could find a use but honestly, it's a bell&whistle gizmo.
I think if I were just getting into it, I might find it a good purchase (used, definitely not $250!), or if I wasn't such a wide-and-varied taste gamer... more casual, like my girlfriend, it might be a good idea. But if you are serious about gaming on a PSP, the library alone should make you raise an eyebrow.
None of the stores in my area even have Go's on display, but they do have PSP 3000's on display. If I had a chance to try out a Go, I would. But right now, that's not possible. Regardless, I would still never buy a Go because I would not be able to transfer my 20 umd's over to a Go.
I bought a Go for the full price and am quite happy with my purchase. All the games I want are on the PSN, and although they are a bit more expensive, I wouldn't play any UMD versions anyway because I wouldn't carry them around with me. I've gone completely DD with my PC collection and have no problem doing the same with my handheld.
The Go was the only viable model for me. The 3000 is way to big for me to carry on my daily run, and half of the reason I have a Go is for music during my exercise. It's great for being able to use during my time on campus every day, especially the "Pause" function when in the middle of a battle when I have to go to my next class. I enjoy the 14gb of free space so I can load tons of PSOne classics onto it without having to go out and drop extra cash on an SD stick.
As a side note: The 3000 is perhaps the ugliest design I have seen this generation. Absolutely awful.
How would I use something I don't want?
I'd like to try one but I ain't paying.
You can buy me one though.
I own one, it's not that I hate it, but it's a rip off, especially for new psp owners. A big portion of the games are not on the store, most are overpriced; feels like Sony turned a blind on to Go users (Can't even get some of the new releases, like Pangya Golf) 3000 is a much better option. I've had a 1000 since launch, so I got to play the majority of the games I wanted to, so I don't feel as bad. hockey73
yeah i feel the exact same way. I have a 1000 since a few months after launch and i use it when i play umds which i still buy. But i carry my GO everywhere for its portablility. If i was a new psp owner i would never go for the GO, the 3000 is the better deal. But I still love my go more than my 1000
being able to enjoy all sorts of PS1 games I wanted to re-play or games I missed playing back in the day, like FF7, was a major factor in deciding to buy a Go over a 3000.Wrecked69
You can play all those games on the 3000, as well.
[QUOTE="Wrecked69"] being able to enjoy all sorts of PS1 games I wanted to re-play or games I missed playing back in the day, like FF7, was a major factor in deciding to buy a Go over a 3000.Heirren
You can play all those games on the 3000, as well.
Without hacking it?[QUOTE="Heirren"][QUOTE="Wrecked69"] being able to enjoy all sorts of PS1 games I wanted to re-play or games I missed playing back in the day, like FF7, was a major factor in deciding to buy a Go over a 3000.Wrecked69
You can play all those games on the 3000, as well.
Without hacking it?Yeah you don't need to hack it to play PS1 games.... I've had EVERY PSP model...
1) 3000
2) GO
3) 1000
4) 2000
[QUOTE="Heirren"][QUOTE="Wrecked69"] being able to enjoy all sorts of PS1 games I wanted to re-play or games I missed playing back in the day, like FF7, was a major factor in deciding to buy a Go over a 3000.Wrecked69
You can play all those games on the 3000, as well.
Without hacking it?Of course. Those games have been available for PSP users to download since before the Go was even announced.
[QUOTE="Wrecked69"][QUOTE="Heirren"]Without hacking it?You can play all those games on the 3000, as well.
Of course. Those games have been available for PSP users to download since before the Go was even announced.
Correction: They've been available WAY before the Go was launched.I have used one, but i don't have use one to know download only games and now making the games cheaper is a bad idea.
I got a pspGO; the buttons are firm though it needs abit getting used to. All is better on the go, but there's one major flaw in it -- the freakin' download process. I bought motorstorm on the ps store and started downloading, but it never got through, "connection error" it says, and I never got my game. So yeah, if your area doesn't have a good internet connection, then forget about the Go, the download's gonna be slow.
I got a pspGO; the buttons are firm though it needs abit getting used to. All is better on the go, but there's one major flaw in it -- the freakin' download process. I bought motorstorm on the ps store and started downloading, but it never got through, "connection error" it says, and I never got my game. So yeah, if your area doesn't have a good internet connection, then forget about the Go, the download's gonna be slow.
course you can also use the media go software to download the game from your computer.
I got a pspGO; the buttons are firm though it needs abit getting used to. All is better on the go, but there's one major flaw in it -- the freakin' download process. I bought motorstorm on the ps store and started downloading, but it never got through, "connection error" it says, and I never got my game. So yeah, if your area doesn't have a good internet connection, then forget about the Go, the download's gonna be slow.
course you can also use the media go software to download the game from your computer.
Yeah, I tried that already, same problem. Guess that my region seriously sucks in downloading stuff like that. Heck, ever waited 4 hours just to get a 400 MB file?!!
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