So, I finally did it. I went out to the store and bought myself a Lexar Pro Duo 4G. I didn't trust getting them online after all.
I already feel closer to my psp.
Once the lazyness wears off, I'm sure I'll put in some music and movies (and after I research HOW).
I already copied my main save game from Tales Of Eternia, I think I'll leave the rest where it is.
My friend, who works at the store, said they were reliable and since the store doesn't sell any generic brands, I believe him.
- So, anyone have any experiences with LEXAR brand cards?
- Any suggestions on what to do now, except get games?
- Should I format the card first? Because I didn't.
- Is it completely necessary to update to the latest firmware and is there a possibility to upgrade automatically?
- Any tips and suggestions welcome.
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