i prefer doing the franchise mode. road to the show mode is great but the problem is, it takes too long to be bumped up from AA to AAA or from AAA to the majors. even if you hit like 40 homers and have a 300 avg it wont bump you up soon enough. even still both modes are good fun.
i actually like both but at different times. I play road to the show for short gaming bursts, and franchise mode when I'm going to play for a while. I got to the majors at the end of my second season with my CF. I don't know how much dependant it is on who is already holding the current position in AAA, majors.
RTTS is the most addicting and fantastic experience in any sports game ever!!!! So I would tell you to play that. However I do like the Franchise mode also but that is better when you get a buddy over and you pick teams in the same division and try and best each other in a fantasy draft. I would say if you are new to the game (that is any past MLB The Show titles) try franchise first because it is good to learn the swing and pitch mechanics before you can get the best experience in RTTS. Anyway enjoy the game man it is great have fun and let me know if you ever beat my record of reaching the MLB :) Got to be the Blue Jays starting CF 8 games into the second season and Vernon Wells was not even hurt :D
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