power hour mate... friend ebgames on facebook, or follow their tweets bc they have power hour for some games, like god of war, and rdrSikKwuN
Not on FaceSpace, not on Twitts, refuse to "social nutwork", even to save a dollar on rare occasions... that crud is irritating and I have better things to do with my Net service and phone bill. Thanks anyway, I can just wait another week. The game hasn't sold nearly as well on PS3 (though the numbers are not to be complained about in this economy) as it did on 360 so that price is falling quickly, and soon. This one-hour-sale confirms it. They're trying to dip their stock for $25 because soon they'll have to dip it even further to try and bleed the last bits of interest in the title before the New Hotness arrives.
I like bargain hunting after the Hotness has died down. I haven't paid more than $25us for any PS3 titles ever (paid $25 for "InFamous", I think, all the others have been $20 or less for like, "MGS4" and such). I rarely if ever feel the need to rush right out and get a game when it hits new because I don't play most titles online so leaderboards/ Getting on early in a game's life are not important motivators... and asI said before, I have lots of titles to work on and when that price eventually hits the $20 mark, then I buy.
Plus then I don't have a bunch of half-baked games stacking up.
No offense to anyone who is a Twitt'r or a SpacePager... just my view on the subject.
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