This is crazy ... RE4 is one of the all time great games, i dont think there was as much complaining about the controls back then than there is with RE5 .. whats happend? The control system is the same in both games and what a hell of a ride was RE4 .. can't wait for RE5. Play the demo a few times give it time, make a lot of space and distance between you and them ( using the quick turn option left stick+ X ) and youll find a truly great game.sunkcontrol
Its not about bashing RE4 or 5, think about this:
RE1 had great controls by the time, they keeped them for RE2 adding a couple of things and softening them up a little, but they where basically the same, then RE3 came out, they still thought the controls where good enough and only added the 180 spin, and evading (and made them a little more responsive), RE:Code Veronica came out... the same...
THEN... RE4, sure, it was a huge leap between games, now its 3D and you can aim better, they where great by the time, just like previous RE games where by theirs...
Now, i believe the controls of RE4 havent aged as well as the old RE games control, why?, because the huge amount of action games and 3rd person shooters out there, they have better controls, more fluid too, RE5 its an action oriented game just like RE4, not a survival, and the controls just feel outdated for modern action games like them.
What better example than Dead Space (and sorry to everyone for keep using this game as an example)? The controls are just better, people who keep saying that the "stand still and shoot" factor of RE just adds to the "horror" of the game its (in my opinion) wrong, Dead Space hast a 100 times more suspense and horror than RE4 and probably RE5 and you CAN move while you are shooting. Besides, it preserves the "survival-horror" formula to some degree even if the controls look more action oriented (you just need them to keep up with the necromorphs)
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