I have something happening that sounds different than these issues. I have the 80gig PS3 and I was at the Gamestop midnight sale. Got home, loaded it up and it worked great. I have been playing it a lot since I got it. Today when I go to play, my game would not load. The game started and it went through the still images like it does as it is loading and then when the screen goes black and the name of the mission is in the lower right hand corner of the screen, it won't go any further. It cycles through the music and never actually loads the game. I tried throwing away all game data and reloading the 3+ gigs onto my hard drive and again, wouldn't go past the black screen with LOADING RUSSIAN REVOLUTION" in the lower right hand corner of the screen. It isn't frozen cause the letters are still flashing. I then tried dumping the saved games I had (I lost everything) AND reinstalling the game on the hard drive again. Now, once the game is loaded, I once again have the black screen with the STARTING NEW GAME... flashing. It's been doing this for about 25 minutes. I even exchanged the game once as well.
Has anyone seen this??? All I am hearing about is freezing while playing...not this loading issue. And if this is a problem, why did it work for me for 5 days and then start acting up?? Any help is greatly appreciated. It sucks bad enough that I have to start over, I'd hate to not be able to play this game. Oh...and I checked my other PS3 games. They all are working fine. Uncharted, DMC4, COD4.
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