Ryan has not left.
God know's how you got "Ryan davis is gone" from that blog post.
I'm a PS3 fan but i'm a multi-console owner and have no loyalty to any corparation, i go where the games go and great games go to every platform.
Over the last year or so all i have read from the PS3 forum is crying fangirls constantly, game's like heavenly sword/motorstorm/uncharted/RFOM/lair all got fair reviews IMO, they are good games except lair but heavenly sword is not on the same level as god of war/ninja gaiden so how could it get a 9.0+/ RFOM is not on the same level as Gears/rainbow six/crysis so how doe's it deserve a 9.0+.
Sony have brought out some good exclusive games this year but nothing amazing, and the only reason the fangirls want 9.0+ exclusives is so they can head over to system war's and brag about a game the other pathetic bunch of fangirls cannot play.
Constant crying is all i read, it's like gamespot is populated with 95% of she-boy's readying there hand-bags for dawn.
I am still debating if I should bash you on the word play "fangirl"...
Having fair view on all games are important, but it's another issue when you take preferred console into account. Why let someone who have mostly 360 collection and obviously not wanting to bother with PS3 review a PS3 exclusive title? Is'nt it more fair if they can get someone who is truely passionate in PS3 to review that game for us? Multi-platform user like us does not represent the norm of the people that plays 360 or PS3.
A lot of the console shooter will show up as being slow and just downright borning on PC, yet they are perfect for controller type gameplay. If review is to be fair, just about all the FPS for console should get about 2-3 points lower.
But it's not, why? Double standard? Sure, different system, different game play, different target audiance, different need and taste. So why have guys that only play 360 in their life review PS3 when the PS3 and 360 owners are clearly not one and the same? When the game score is vastly different from the score given by the gaming community (well, beside K&L), it is not to say game reviewer is at fault or not fair, but, rather, we have the wrong person reviewing the wrong game that cannot see from what general PS3 audiance is seeing in these games. It's one thing to have a guy that spend majority of time on PS3 bashing one game, but I dare you to say the same for someone who had reviewed a PS3 exclusive when the only PS3 game he ever owned is warhawk.
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