I really liked both SP's - Fall of Man was a better storyline though. I never played the MP for the first one, but I am in multi-player hell, as we speak, in the second one. There are several things wrong with R2's MP, so much so that I might not buy R3 because of it!
1. Disconnecting from the servers after every MP match makes for a very long process of finding matches - I feel I spend 1/3 of my play time searching for matches.
2. The in-game logistics could be better. a) Being able to mix and match your grenades and secondary weapons to customize your gameplay would be awesome. b) The in-game mini map should most assuredly be at the bottom of the screen- not the top, where it obstructs 1/4 of your ability to see enemies. c) The ability to spawn on a team mate is there, but is restricted to only team mates that are not in battle, which to me is the whole point of being able to spawn on each other - to help in the fighting! d) being separated from your party at the start of a match. They broke each team down by squads (5 players per squad) which is fine, other than the fact that even if you enter a game with only 2 people in your party, you sometimes get put into different squads - :(
3. The longevity of the game is just not there. I didn't end up playing the game until some time after it was actually released. I decided to go for the platinum, wihch entails having to play a certain amount of MP. Once I started that, there were several bugs with it. I researched the problems I was having, only to find that most of them were never fixed/patched - DESPITE the fact that R2 reps were making statements such as "We are working on a solution to the Allies menu problem that will be fixed in the next patch we release" --- that statement was made in 2009, the patches came and went, and here I am in 2011 and am having the same problem with the Allies menu that everybody else had!
4. Sometime in late 2009/early 2010, they issued a statement saying there will no longer be any support/new patches for R2, but they will leave the servers open. So, any problems that weren't fixed in the couple of patches that were already released, we are stuck with, indefinitely. I guess it would be impossible for a game company to offer support for their games forever, I get that, but at the same time, if you are making a game series and you want return customers, and you know you are going to come out with a 3rd game, then why not continue to support your product between releases??
The only reason I am still playing the R2 MP is that I am going for the Killing Machine trophy, which mandates that you get 10,000 kills in online competitive mode. Fine, I'll grind it out, but the more I play this game the more I hate it and the more I am leaning towards being one of those gamers that hates it when a game makes you do their MP - no matter how bad it sucks.
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