It'll be back in the future.. maybe they'll announce a big Resistance title when next gen is here in a few years. So many other games to play so it's not a big deal. They'll bring Resistance back eventually.
You people are late. Insomniac said they were finished with Resistance series when they were on the last developing stages of R3. The series is over and it end on a good note with R3. There is no need for a 4th. I like the series but Im fine with being done with it. I want them to start working on other stuff.
I think the idea of the series was better than what they pulled off, I did like the first two a lot, (haven't picked up the third yet) but I think its best if they stop it or at least give it a break, don't kill it the way they are with the Halo series
I never got into them... I played the first one when it come out, and the graphics, but mainly the physics were a joke. Your character seemed like he was ice skating, your default gun looked like it was shooting flaming tennis balls, you could fire into a fellow soldiers back and an infinite amount of poor quality blood would gush out. Bad guys fell over in the wrong direction when you shot them, the water looked like DX6. I figured it was a hyped release title and sony needed something big, considering big titles were already out on 360. I tried to revisit with Resistance 2, I mean, it was $6.99 used at a popular game store I shop at (not sure what the rules are for mentioning stores here). What would I have to lose? It was equally unimpressive IMO. Not to mention the story is terrible, almost nonexistent in the first game. Now I understand people LOVE this game. I am not a hater. I don't go around saying this series is terrible, but the above is how I felt when playing it. What am I missing??? I have both a 360 and PS3, and I remember when the first Resistance came about scratching my head, as I had been playing Gears of War (the original) and graphically, and mechanically GoW seemed to blow it away. (although there isnt much story there either). Could have my timeline off but I think Kill Zone II was out, or at least the demo, and that seemed to blow it away also. I WANTED to love it. Its just bad.
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