My 60 gig YLOD today. I searched online, tried a few things like pulling out the hard drive, but it won't start. I'm hoping I can have it repaired and trade it in towards a slim, BC means nothing to me. Seems the slim is quiet and not producing a lot of heat, anyone heard of any malfunctions concerning it? I'll probably wait another month or so before buying just to give time for any problems to arise. Sucks cause i was going to get Uncharted 2 on launch day.
One thing I did come across while looking for answers is that Activision games are often in YLOD consoles that are sent in. I have MUA2 stuck in mine, Activision, although I hadn't played it today, I did notice that for the past few days my system would beep twice on shut down after playing the game. I only came across this once while searching, so I won't put much faith in it but it might be something to keep in mind.
If it matters to anyone I hadn't done the 3.01 update.
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