What good rpg games are out? I looked in the reccomendation thread and searched around, but I wanted to know the opinion of you guys. By the way- please no imports. I can't read japanese.
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth!!!! Nice RPG, wait for the remake of FF Tactics!!!, Jeane d Arque, if u like "Tales of" series, there is Tales of the World, Monster Hunter, iepp those are good ones 8)
brave story: new traveler is a great RPG, but dont trust gamespots review, the game got 80% on game rankings and only 6.5 here it was the lowest score any media gave that game
Never played it but Field Commander is supposed to be pretty good. If you like FF, definitely Tactics is gonna be great. If you liked the first game or haven't even played it before you should get the Anniversary edition of FFI or FFII, or both even. I own them both and I'm currently playing through FFI again.
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