[QUOTE="MRxMADxMONKEY"] I had an original PS2, which I really loved, but it didn't last too long. After a few months it stopped being capable of reading discs, only loading up the game after several tries, and after a while it got to being so bad it just was'nt worth the trouble. After that I mostly stuck with my Xbox, and now with my Xbox 360. However I'm considering getting a PS3 in a month or two but before I decide for sure I've got several questions.
Since release, I've lost two 360s. Do PS3s just... stop, in this way? And if they do, will Sony replace/repair them free of charge? And if not, how much do they charge to replace/repair it?
Also, there's the 40GB, 60GB, and 80GB. I'm not too concerned about the backwards compatibility, but I do want to make sure I've got enough space. Is the 40GB suitable? Can you buy memory cards for the PS3 as well? I've looked, and the only thing I can find is a way to transfer PS2 saves off of a memory card onto the PS3.
Is the online play free for all games, or only for a few select games? And ss there decent four player split screen games, or did they pull a 360 and make mostly every game only two players?
And lastly, I already own an Xbox 360. Are the PS3 exclusives worth the money? I'm interested in several, and I'm really excited about Haze.
Thanks in advance for your help.
there are some reports of people's ps3's breaking but if you have a receipt you get a 1 year warranty and they should fix it for free.
i would think 40gb is enough unless you plan to use it for more than gaming. then you can probably upgrade your harddrive like others but that might void your warranty. not sure about that. 80 gbs is a safe route and if you want mgs4, there will be a bundle soon. ps3's take flash drives and i guess that can be used as memory cards.
online is free for all games that i know of. hmm i'm not sure about 4 player split screen except warhawk has it.
if you like action/rpg type games, folklore is good. uncharted is good. heavenly sword is worth a rent. warhawk is fun too
Well I do plan on using it only for gaming, but I would love the 80GB, it's just a bit too expensive. And I didn't know they take flash drives, so that's great news.
Well that could end up being a money saver, right now I mostly only play CoD4, so I could consider canceling my Live, which after a bit would add up to being enough for CoD.
Well I love action and just got into RPGs, haven't heard of Folklore yet but I'll look it up. Uncharted looks really awesome, and Heavenly Sword I've played the demo of and really enjoyed it. Do you know if there's any MMORPGS out for it, or any planned in the near future?
And thanks, this helped a lot. :D Love the thought of free online play.
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