Sex scene, yes but not really anything over PG-13, but there is also a scene of the woman taking a shower and stripping for a guy. Drugs, none that I remember, Norman is addicted to taking something for his virtual glasses thing but I don't know if you would count that. Violence, nothing that bad, certainly nothing very bloody.
how old are you? it's rated M in NA, if you are under 17, you shouldnt play it anyway. beside you wouldnt feel touched of story if you are too young.
how old are you? it's rated M in NA, if you are under 17, you shouldnt play it anyway. beside you wouldnt feel touched of story if you are too young.
I've been playing M rated games since I was three and he is saying he is an adult, you aren't going to be missing any of the story if you are a little younger. Also, the story isn't very good. As was said on at least one website, "they are very lucky this was not judged as a movie"
Well, the nudity is tasteful
A pontless shower scene, pointless walking around in underwear, a mostly pointless strip scene, and a pretty random sex scene between two people who barely know each other and have a very out of the blue romance.
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