If I had it to do over, I would go back and NOT buy a PS3. So my advice is, DON'T. It's the first console since 1977 which I regret purchasing.
whats your complaints?
1. Games of this gen almost ALL come out unfinished or glitchy to the point of requiring a patch before play... Some of these patches or "updates" are in excess of 6-10 gigs (most are smaller, but they are still rather sizable). Games of previous gens either came out and worked or they didn't, but there was more pressure on the devs to get things correct before stamping out the disc. So either the bean-counters are now pulling the strings and forcing a title to be released before it's properly tested and ready for the public, or the devs are getting lazy and complacent given their ability to issue patches & updates; Whichever it happens to be, I think it sucks. I bought a 120G slim with the intention of buying indie games off PSN, not for the HDD to get filled up with after-thoughts and corrections.
2. As far as the games themselves, much as I like playing them, everything has become about the "Shootie". Even games which didn't start out as "Shooties" have BECOME "Shooties", because that's what sells.
3. Online MP has over-run the industry, with every single ****ing game getting MP tacked on or shoved in with no lubrication. Devs have caved in to the new-gen gamers, and you can tell that SP has been pretty much shelved as a concept; If you don't have MP, supposedly there's very little replay value.
4. Gone are the days of Unlockables/New-Game-Plus. By that, I mean that devs have ceased to be creative or indulgent of the solo gamer, and have stopped rewarding the diligent player with anything more than a ring of a bell and a stupid, useless ****ing TROPHY. There aren't even the most lazy-of-lazy unlockables in a game anymore: Concept Art. Instead, they hold things back for Cash-Only DLC, which they lock ON-DISC until you pay more money. A trophy and a ring of the bell is NOT a reward for playing your ass off. It's a Pavlovian conditioning TRICK, and nothing more. Not to mention, it interrupts the immersion of the experience. You can't turn off trophy notifications, which to me is such an easy thing to have as an option. You can turn off other forms of notification concerning PSN messages, etc., why not the stupid trophy malarky???
5. I find the controllers to be flimsy and easily damaged, even with careful handling and kid gloves. THe buttons go on the fritz and you start getting cross-talk (L3 buttons cause a Triangle result, etc) after a controller is (in my experience) little more than a year old. I'm not the only one who has a problem with controllers fading or out-right malfunctioning, most of my friends online have had similar problems. Perhaps it's all the "Shooties" we play... :lol:
6. I feel like most of the games which have come out this generation have been cookie-cutters of whatever sells through the roof - Like CoD, which I am a fan of and I play from time to time, but I don't need every FPS to become a carbon copy of it and I SURE AS HELL don't need other franchises I used to love like "Ace Combat" to become patterned cousins of. That last "Ace Combat" game was a complete and utter bastardization of what used to be so great about the game, even to the marketting proclaiming "It's 'Call of Duty' in the AIR!!!" They dumbed it down and made a bunch of Big-Moment scripted Hollywood crappola out of my jet-sim combat series, and it will never be the same. "Resident Evil" has sold out and become a "Shootie" because, as the CRAPCOM execs & reps admit, they want it to sell more like a "Shootie". Games like "Amalur" that "only sell 1.2 MILLION copies" are considered a failure and the studio (Studio 38) has now laid off most of it's workers and closed it's doors forever.
7. Online Passes, and propoganda aimed at making gamers feel sorry for companies who make the games so they can guilt you out of more money, all the while allowing the resale shops to profit hand-over-fist. Since when does the end consumer, making a choice as to where to buy something, have to foot the ENTIRE bill? Oh yeah, that's right - Because WE LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT, and they figure we're too stupid, lazy, or distracted by the pretty lights to catch on.
It all adds up to a console that I don't feel very good about, and one which has all but made my mind up with finality, not to move forward with the Pack as I have done from 1977 when I got my first "PONG" console, to now.
There have been some exceptional games, I'm not saying the ENTIRE 5-6 years of the console's lifespan has been a total waste of time and/or money... But if I knew then what I know now, I would have taken the hundreds of dollars I have in PS3 hardware & software, gone to the flea markets or resales, and put that money into games and hardware from the past.
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