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you dont HAVE TO, but to understand to more complicated parts of the story it would be smart to play them back to back, and then even backwards, thats if you really want to get it because it is very confusing and very complex
Anyway I think the first one has the least to do with the rest, if your gonna leave one out thats the one
Also you dont actually have to play them, you could just watch someone play it (i watched my friend play through the first one), I know it sounds wierd but if all you want is the story then its probably better that way because if you play it yourself you get stuck on parts and a 8or 9 hour game turns into 15 hours
I did that because after playing the masterpiece that was 2 I felt like going back to play a psx game would be really lame, so I just watched 1
Yeah yeah i know I'm stupid for not playing em but i guess i missed the first one then i didn't get around to playing the others. I bought MGS3 recently(haven't played it yet) and I'm wondering if i should play 1 and 2 3 then 4 when it comes out?00Raziel00
No you're not stupid. You don't really have to play them. But it is recommended to know the whole story so you can understand it better. If you're ok with reading, then you can pretty much just read the first 3 MGS games (
But if you want to experience it, then sure, play the games.
My turn to explain :D. First of all to sort of understand MGS4 you should play MSG2. Play MGS2 then play the third one for fun. The reason I say this is because the trailer shows a character named Raiden and he played a important roll in MGS2. That's why in the trailer he says "it's my turn to help you snake". So bascally I really recommend playing 2 out of all of them. I did have fun playing the series but I HIGHLY recomend playing 2 the most.
Since I have all previous metal gear games, I played them through once again, to relive and pick up the great story again.
IMO, I recommend you to play through all games, but that is up to you to decide. They are great games.
I think I will play them one more time before MGS4 is released, since it is a couple of month left for the release. hehe
Yeah yeah i know I'm stupid for not playing em but i guess i missed the first one then i didn't get around to playing the others. I bought MGS3 recently(haven't played it yet) and I'm wondering if i should play 1 and 2 3 then 4 when it comes out?00Raziel00
you should cuz their awesome...i occasionally go back to them even today
My turn to explain :D. First of all to sort of understand MGS4 you should play MSG2. Play MGS2 then play the third one for fun. The reason I say this is because the trailer shows a character named Raiden and he played a important roll in MGS2. That's why in the trailer he says "it's my turn to help you snake". So bascally I really recommend playing 2 out of all of them. I did have fun playing the series but I HIGHLY recomend playing 2 the most.
Listen to this guy he knows what he's talking about. But coming from a person who played part 2 before part 1 trust me once you start getting into part 2 youre gonna want to go back to part one because of all the references that are made.... and if you fall in love with those 2 then you might as well play part 3 to get more back story. Its all one great story and it is recommended that you know what has happened so far before you pick up part 4
Readings fine, but i'd recommend the games - Theres just so much more in them, cutscenes, learning about the bosses e.g the defeat of Psycho Mantis, that cutscene was fricking amazing, and touching.
Play MGS3 first, then if you want read it up on wiki. But you should play MGS 1 and 2
Edit: Cutscenes to all MGS games :P
i recommend you play all 3 as they are awesome games to begin with... if I was you i would get the ps2 version of metal gear solid 2, and metal gear solid 3.
and then for metal gear solid one i would get metal gear solid the twin snakes for game cube its the same exact game as metal gear solid 1 except with much better graphics and some added game play elements like the first person view
It is up to you if you decide to not play them and buy MGS4 you will not understand the story, or you can read them but I don't recommend WIKI because anyone can edit it and tell the story his/her way, try the MGS fan sits it is more reliable
But I think it is better to play them.
Yeah yeah i know I'm stupid for not playing em but i guess i missed the first one then i didn't get around to playing the others. I bought MGS3 recently(haven't played it yet) and I'm wondering if i should play 1 and 2 3 then 4 when it comes out?00Raziel00I would say yes but mgs1 be hard to get since it so old but if you have a gamecube get twin snake and mgs2 and mgs3 should not to hard to getthem on the ps2
YEs, not only to fully understand whats going on since the franchise it very deep story wise, but you owe it to yourself as a gamer to play them at least once to see if you like them.
railroberto 2007 , the third one is the best IMO, you should pick un subsistance.
yeah, you should play them allkingtahktahkhuk
hey umm u dont have 2 its just 2 know the storyline and the fun of it
No you don't have to have played any of the previous versions of the game. Just do a little research on the aspects of the game. You'll find out that stealth is the key, and accomplishing certain goals during the game or replay of the game. Enjoy MGS4 is a phenomenal game, best game in this gen.
:P 8)
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