what with all the threads lately of dying ps3 systems i wanted to give a quick solution to what i beleave may solve or atleast help you're system last longer, about 7 years ago *i'm estimating* i bought a ps3 console upon its release, this was back when everybody was claiming they had manufacturing issues and didn't last long, well ever since a friend taught me this technique i've been doing it back to the ps1 days and all 3 of my systems to this day work perfectly.. when you're not using or playing you're ps3 simple place a towel or any kind of cloth over the system making sure its completely covered on all sides, now make sure right after playing it u wait atleast an hour for it to cool down afterall u don't wanna trap any hot air in with the system, but then place a cloth or anything over it, even a shirt will do, this will prevent any dust build up on the system while its not in use.. as i stated my old fat ps3 has worked for well over 5 years with no issues what so ever, as does my ps1 and 2.. imo this is most likely the reason, just a thought..
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