[QUOTE="JoeyDrey"]YOU ARE A GOD DAMN FOOL! Who cares if you have been playing with people for several years, that doesnt mean S%$T when you get down to brass tax. Look, gamers will go to whatever they deem as cool. Sony has never said they are trying to make a product that is better than XBL. Rather, comparable to XBL. OF course there wont be a ton of people in the community right away, NOT EVERYONE HAS ONE YET! Please stop your pointless fanboy drivel and look at the world around you. This is not about one service being better than the other, its about new markets. Sony is offering something they really havent attempted before, so there focus is on the current owners and potential future owners of there product. In marketing there is a concept called, "The Product Life Cycle". There are the Introduction products, they are things that are brand new, such as the Wii. There there are the Growth products such as the 360 and PS3, they are the current products out on the market. Then you have Maturity, when a product is at the peak of its profitability, and of course, then there is decline. A few years ago, with the release of XBL on the original Xbox, consumers were finally given online games (although PC's have had it for many years) on a console. PS2 had this function as well, but it was deemed not as good as XBL. Which, even I will admit was true. Then with the PS3, you have what marketers would refer to as a competitor. As in, Sony noticed the changes made with XBL and is attmepting to offer the same product at a competative price. In this case, it cost nothing. Aside from the actual price tag of the system. What I am trying to say here, is Sony is doing exactly what a computer company, shampoo company or even a car company would do: making the market competative by offer the same type of product at a lower cost. There is no copying here (to a certain extent, meaning Sony is not taking XBL and calling it PSL) they are only meeting a demand of the consumer, and offering a quality product to people who buy THEIR product. So all that crap about community not happening on the PSN is a joke. Lets call XBL the city right now, but PSN is the emerging town.
Again....I don't care who copies who.
The product life cycle doesn't live in a vacuum. Sony is introducing a product into a well established market. Yes, it has new features, but what actually will drive people to it? The only thing is games. People playing....games made by.....developers.
The people attracted to the PS3 aren't as likely into online games. The established games for the PS brand are mostly one player jobs. Developers (take the recent Virtua Tennis or VF5) aren't looking at the system as a place for online gaming. The community isn't there. Not a problem if you live in a vacuum....you can just create it. Unfortunately someone is already filling the space....XBL.
Take GRAW....if you are a huge fan of the series or Tom Clancy games in general....which console are you likely to buy them on? Halo 2.... Racing games like PGR and Forza..... Look at the lists of what people are playing. Look at the established -online- games.
Yes, if Sony delivers the GTA sized hit of this gen - for online play - they can get the marketshare back.....but that's their only chance....THEY have to deliver it. If a 3rd party devleoper has an online game you can bet they will target the 360 & XBL. If a game has online play, the 360 will get the most focus. Compare that with GTA....it came from a 3rd party and pretty much made the PS2 what it was. I agree with the point about the types of gamers attacted to PS3 aren't the ones that play online shooter games etc. Thats why I have always thought it was funny how much hype was surrounding R:FoM and Killzone.. 2 shooter games. I know so many people that are "loyal" to Sony cause they say they dont like shooters.. they like FF, RPGs, and other Japanese imports. All PS3 fans used to say "well we have UT2007 (when they thought it was exclusive), killzone, and R:FoM!"... but I never got that, cause then they would argue they dont like the 360 cause its all shooter games. :\
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