Sony owns half of Hollywood. Your AC DC rock records, Your nakid pics of Jessica Simpson,, They own them. Your grandfathers TV, you TV, your still camera, Your Camcorder. Digital Sony Cybershot, Your new Blu Ray fromat. Lets not forget which format is next. And which lost. Part of Dale Jr and NASCAR, Their the main power behind movies such a spiderman. hey have many sitcom shows on TV even. My Sony mutitrack music recorder. Same ones they use in studios. Or maybe just their headphones?? Their a multimedia superpower. How many pieces of hardwear has Micro made?
They dont just have windows. besides anyone can take a ipod and write zoom on it. And a PS2 and stick a new graphics card in the stand up machine, and write 360 on it. Anyone can take a 3 digital pad 3 diamond button controller, and write Xbox on it. But it dont make you a media company.
What Microsoft has to be ready for, is what Sony and Nintendo already know. Its gaming. And gamers wont alow a single to ever own it. This wont be like thier BS luck with windows. Where they can steal an idea, then be lazy for 20 years. In gaming they will have to be ready to show something new again next month. And the next month. And the month after that. And they have to be ready to do so, Year after year after year. Because the others wont move. And to be honest, I dont think their ready to do that.
And once they realized thats what they have to do. That it will never be burger and fires lunch dinner and super over and over. The way they want. Well lol? Its a war you cant win, And if someone did, gaming would be dead.
Plus I did not see any new games from them that said win. In fact I dont think I saw one new anything from them. It was all sequels and multi platform agames I can play on my PS3, like FF.
But everyone pulls for something like they are. You like monopoly, Hitler Nazi Germany, Brash take overs, cheating. Then You like Microsoft. Or else your mom just would not buy you a PS3 LOL. I can see that. Me im more of a caring guy, who likes a even world for everonyone, so I like sony and nintendo.
I cant fit my myspace in my sig "Why wont my sig alow this?
It alows my youtube??
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