[QUOTE="Teyon"][QUOTE="Panzer88mm"] Ha, is it really that "huge"? It's only been on PSP in America, and the majority of people dont even know about the series. I doubt it will make much of a difference other than giving the fanboys some banter. This "Console War" is ridiculous. I just hope the next generation isn't so petty.
See...this is why folks should read up before posting. Monster Hunter (PS2) was the first game in the US, not the PSP sequel. Monster Hunter 2 never made it to us but that doesn't mean thousands of people weren't upset about it. The fact that it was announced as a PS3 exclusive was a really big deal and now it's not even coming to the PS3 as a multiplat game. It's exclusive to Sony's competition.
Now here's where that becomes a problem:
Devil May Cry does well on the other platforms? Capcom seriously rethinks exclusivity on the PS3 for anything. Ever. Period. We lose Monster Hunter - if it does well on the Wii, we've lost it for good pretty much and the possiblity of losing Capcom as a developer increases. Other companies start to take notice and follow suit. A year later the PS3 suffers the same fate as the Dreamcast - powerfull but dead.
There's more involved here than what you think are top games. It's the money honey and if there's none to be had with the PS3, you better bet your life that companies are going to jump ship. I love my PS3 - hell, I even bought Lair - but I know that if Sony doesn't get to pulling that rabbit out of its hat, we're in for a bumpy ride. Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Killzone2 can't get here fast enough. That will be the turning of the tide...until then, the PS3 is just coasting, with a wave now and then in the form of Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank or Uncharted. We need a killer app...so far we don't have any. We've got good ones - no doubt there - but good ones aren't enough to make the impact Sony needs to make right now....and for pity's sake can we get some friggin' advertising! I'm sick to death of "Wii would like to play" I want to see some Sony commercials!
Finally an intelligent response. Most of the kids reading this board just think "Uh, what's the big deal, it's just some stupid game I've never heard of, duh". But it IS a big deal.
actually, i consider capcom to use fickle buisness practices. i mean they say it's "exclusive" this, that and the third, but when you consider the jump arounds capcom has made with their other franchises they hold as well, I really wouldn't be surprised to hear an "oh well let's just pop this game in there" statement from them sooner or later. after all, as many have said. It's business. and I don't think Capcom generates that much revenue so it needs to play it on the safe side. Monster Hunter 3 will be great. but it won't look as lush or as beautiful as it might have if they ran it on the ps3. but seeing how the game was successful on the PSP, I don't think the bigwigs and check writers at Capcom really much care how beautiful the game could look. it'll still look decent, and that's good enough for them.
obviously, they are just worried about how much money they'll get back in return. the Wii is a good move considering it has the highest install base both in and out of Japan. and the technology isn't so high-end so it shouldn't cost too much to make. and it'll give them a quick buck. But I would never count them out of putting Monster hunter 3 or even 4 on the ps3 one day, simply because... who wouldn't want to see Monster hunter as it was supposed to be seen? by then the PS3 user base would definitely rise to the point of the company making a decent profit off of it. especially as FF13 and vs13 including mgs4. will definitely pushed that user base up.
as for the DC, and why it flopped. Many reasons went into it, and i believe the fact that people were able to easily bug it, hack and burn it was one of the major reasons as to why the console eventually failed. seriously, why buy a game when your friend can give you a burned copy of the game for free? and all it really required was a quick disc swap; run the bootdisc, then pop in the game. easy as pie.
I believe the second guy is panicking a little bit and letting his imagination fly with him. remember, PS2 gamers were never to see a new Resident Evil again due to an "exclusivity contract with Nintendo for the Resident Evil series itself" and a year later what happened? what Capcom says don't mean nothing to me. I just sit back, relax and play their games. DMC4 comes out next year. I'll be playing that. and then wet my pants on the next RE5 trailer they'll show probably next E3 (if there is another E3....) Till then gamers.. Relax.
Just because one game goes exclusive does not mean that the series will remain exclusive to that one console. case in point: Ridge Racer 6 to Ridge Racer 7. So to me, this news is not a big deal. Because remember, this is the same company that in the span of 24 hours or so went from officially reaffirming DMC4 as an exclusive Ps3 title to a multiplatform title. There you go.
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