A PS3 user in Australia is sueing Sony for USD $748.00 ($850 AUD) to cover the cost of a laptop after the recent 'other os' lock out software upgrade.
Michael Treblicok is disabled and lives at home on a government pension. Sony have declined to settle.
The PS3 in its previous software versions essentially provided him a PC with linux running and also allowed him to enjoy gaming.
However since the 'optional' software upgrade was introduced Michaels PS3 won't allow him to use features assosiated with Linux.
Now the thing that has aggrivated a lot of gamers is the choice offered by Sony isn't a fair choice.
Basically if you don't take the optional upgrade all network connectivity is rendered useless which essentially devolves the PS3 into a shiny plastic brick.
If you do take the upgrade you lose the convenience of having a PC Console.
I believe that Sony has a right to protect its intellectual property, however I believe that EVERY single PS3 owner that can prove they were fully utilising another OS on the PS3 has a right to compensation.
PS3. It only does everything.....that they let you.
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