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They did a good job, but no mention of any RPG games( Idon't mean FF game), what about White Knight story they didn't show it at all.Star650Good point. I would have thought they would mention that one. Its always high on the press list. I heard they pretty much mandated it would be out before spring 2009. They didnt touch on Valkyria Chronicles either or Disgaea 3. Another curious non-mention was Wipeout HD for PSN. This has been delayed for a while but was supposed to be out in the fall. Maybe they were not sure of some of these, so they decided to keep quiet rather than stick their foot in it.
no one won e3 because e3 is pretty much dead no one was trying or even putting any effort into it its almost like the felt obligated to be there. i say its a good thing e3 has always hampered the devs before and was just one big advertisment with nothing really substantial coming out of it.
i don't think anyone will even show up next year if thye even have a next year.
FF i find long boring and over-rated so i might not get it anyway so, i say sony conference was the best, they were all good though and FFX11 versus is still exclusive .shadowkiller11
lol, you think FF is overated and boring which is cool, your entitled to your opinion but your excited about FF versus? Your looking very two-faced and fanboyish with that comment. Seems like your not into FF 13 anymore cause it's not exclusive but your into versus cause it is, am I right for assuming this?
Sonys E3 was terrible, it was just some going on about blah blah blah cell, blah blah blah ps2 blah blah blah psp. It was the most boring thing I've ever seen, Sony is sinking and fast.jeffdoomsday
ya he was talking and they presented a few things... thats what e3 is... talk about the hardware games and other stuff present some things and its over... thats how the microsoft one was and the nintendo one... so i dont understand what blah blah blah is?... he was talking to the press and reporters about what they are doing and what they are planning to do... if you would listen to him you would understand... other then eating something andplaying a game and waiting for a trailer...
[QUOTE="shadowkiller11"]FF i find long boring and over-rated so i might not get it anyway so, i say sony conference was the best, they were all good though and FFX11 versus is still exclusive .SmoothBrother1
lol, you think FF is overated and boring which is cool, your entitled to your opinion but your excited about FF versus? Your looking very two-faced and fanboyish with that comment. Seems like your not into FF 13 anymore cause it's not exclusive but your into versus cause it is, am I right for assuming this?
what are you talking about i'm just stating to crying fanboys that its exclusive i'm not a FF fan and i find versus to be very boring aswell, read probably, gears 2 and resistance 2 all the way.I had to do it. LOL I mean all these gloom and doom threads just because M$ stood up on stage and said nothing new other than FFXIII is now multiplat. I figured I had to remind people this is a PS3 board. Besides I truly was impressed with Sony's conference after actually watching it. Sure they didnt have some blockbuster announcement, but they still had a couple of really cool surprises with the video store, MAG, etc. Also the updates on games, Home, PSN, and a God of War 3 trailer that looked a lot better than advertised. I came away a lot more pumped than when I read the summaries on it.-ArchAngeL-777-i agree with you
I can read what you are saying properly if you type it out properly.SmoothBrother1well i guess you lost your glasses then, any body can understand what i said or can't you admit your wrong.
Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
They did a good job, but no mention of any RPG games( Idon't mean FF game), what about White Knight story they didn't show it at all.Star650
Thats more of what im talking about. I mean the PS2 has a ton of RPG's to choose from, but when i go the gamestop all i see is Oblivion which i had already put over 500 hours into by time it was out on the PS3, plus its a WRPG not a JRPG.
FF i find long boring and over-rated so i might not get it anyway so, i say sony conference was the best, they were all good though and FFX11 versus is still exclusive .shadowkiller11
Wow, that comment was funny.
Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
why cheat yourself buy a ps3 for final fantasy 13 & final fantasy versus that game is still a ps3 exlcusive.
[QUOTE="MrClean44"]Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
why cheat yourself buy a ps3 for final fantasy 13 & final fantasy versus that game is still a ps3 exlcusive.
I understand what the guy is saying. Why buy the PS3 when FF13 is on the Xbox360? If you are only looking to have one console (I admit, that is what I am doing) that would be the smart thing to do. It would save you a lot of money, ESPECIALLY if you already have an Xbox360. If you have a PS3 you shouldn't even care.
[QUOTE="MFDABADKID"][QUOTE="MrClean44"]Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
why cheat yourself buy a ps3 for final fantasy 13 & final fantasy versus that game is still a ps3 exlcusive.
I understand what the guy is saying. Why buy the PS3 when FF13 is on the Xbox360? If you are only looking to have one console (I admit, that is what I am doing) that would be the smart thing to do. It would save you a lot of money, ESPECIALLY if you already have an Xbox360. If you have a PS3 you shouldn't even care.
you are right why get a ps3 if that's the only game he wants. why did he post on here in the first place anyway
[QUOTE="xX-General-Xx"][QUOTE="MFDABADKID"][QUOTE="MrClean44"]Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
why cheat yourself buy a ps3 for final fantasy 13 & final fantasy versus that game is still a ps3 exlcusive.
I understand what the guy is saying. Why buy the PS3 when FF13 is on the Xbox360? If you are only looking to have one console (I admit, that is what I am doing) that would be the smart thing to do. It would save you a lot of money, ESPECIALLY if you already have an Xbox360. If you have a PS3 you shouldn't even care.
you are right why get a ps3 if that's the only game he wants. why did he post on here in the first place anyway
Well, maybe you like the Microsofts Exclusives better than Sony's?
[QUOTE="Richard_Praxton"]It was a hell of a lot better than last year's. That's fo sho.ownzone55
Hey richard whats that chic's name on your avatar?
As for who won e3 i think it was boring. Not too many surprises. Heck you can find annoucnements all year long better than this.
I agree. Final Fantasy 13 was the only "OMFG Wow" thing that happened this year. I liked how Sony talked about the PS2 as well.
[QUOTE="MFDABADKID"][QUOTE="xX-General-Xx"][QUOTE="MFDABADKID"][QUOTE="MrClean44"]Ok sadly the confrence did not convince me to buy a PS3, tho the 400$ 80 gig is tempting. MAG i mean come on that wasnt ingame footage and it wasnt that inpressive. And i hope PSNetwork does all the things they say they are goin to do because there no way and i mean no way their servers can handle that, and they kinda lazy on tha name. All and all PS3's confrence was better than M$, but for rite now the anouncement about FFXIII on 360 is keeping meh from buying a PS3. I will just play my freinds when ever i have the urge.
BTW(can anyone msg meh about the PS3 exclusives becuase thats the only reason i would buy one. Sony pres said there were 75 titles and all i see is Infamous, KZ2, MAG, GofW2, and DCuniverse excluding SCE sports games. Dont get meh wrong those all look like great games, but what are they hideing becuse id rather keep my 360 exclusives right now.)
why cheat yourself buy a ps3 for final fantasy 13 & final fantasy versus that game is still a ps3 exlcusive.
I understand what the guy is saying. Why buy the PS3 when FF13 is on the Xbox360? If you are only looking to have one console (I admit, that is what I am doing) that would be the smart thing to do. It would save you a lot of money, ESPECIALLY if you already have an Xbox360. If you have a PS3 you shouldn't even care.
you are right why get a ps3 if that's the only game he wants. why did he post on here in the first place anyway
Well, maybe you like the Microsofts Exclusives better than Sony's?
Actually i dont like the Microsoft exclusive's better than Sony's. Sony has way better 1st party title's.
I think the whole thing was boring....
The only thing good about it is all the new stuff that comes out.
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