lol seriously. You must not have played much MK over the years. Last time i checked MK had more palatte swaps than anyone else. Granted overtime they have come to play somewhat different but so have SF's.
for example
scorpion, sub zero, reptile, smoke, noob saibot, chameleon, rain , and ermac were all palatte swaps at one point with many similar moves.
and those are just the male ninjas by the way. I could make a list just as long for the female ninja's, cyborgs, shokan's and whatever else thats in MK.
Sf has had Ryu, ken, Akuma ,and maybe Dan? But they looked different and their move sets do vary just like MK.
That maybe true but there is too many shoto fighters in Street Fighter Dan, Goken, Akuma, Ryu, Ken and Sakura. That's a good chunk of the roster the ninja's may have looked the same but nowadays they don't have any special moves in common. With Street Fighter you can basically use the same strategies with each shoto fighter and be decent.
So out of 35 6 has a similar fighting style. Contrary to popular belief Ken and Ryu play differently from each other but ill give you them. Akuma no way he has a way different move set from them and Gouken is really nothing like them at all even when it comes you his fire balls. Sakura is also pretty different as well. They do play differently from each other and require different tactics.
Lets say you take out those 6 you still have 29 other people to choose from who are radically different from each other if shotos aren't your thing which is still more then MK9 has. I just find it hard for someone to cite Shotos as a reason when with Mk has the same stuff going on with it. Many of the characters have extremely similar teleport moves and many have projectiles which seems to be the major shoto complaint.
Have you even played the new one lol? I'll give you past games but the new MK is a lot more deeper then SSFIV not to mention none of the characters play look or feel the same. Stick with SFIV whatever but don't rip on game you have barely played or even played at all. Learn how to play it before you start spouting off non sense. The kid was giving his opinion just like you did. His didn't seem logical to you and your is definitely not logical at all to anyone that's not biased about either game. You coming off as a hyprocrite. I like SSFIV but I prefer the new MK game. It's faster and there is a lot more creativity in the fighting engine then in SSFIV. SSFIV is in tournaments yes but so is MK so far and I guess we will just have to wait and see if it sticks around after EVO. If it doesn't then you can be the one to tell me I told you so. Untill then relax dude.
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