Personally, I would love to see more DLC locked on-disc, because the hackers will make quick toast of whatever the lock is, and then the genie is out of the bottle.
This is only going to breed more Robin-Hood behaviour the way I see it, by hackers and other bottom-feeders. They'll use this as a rally cry, like they did last spring, and the war will continue. I don't condone piracy, and I'm not a hack supporter by any means, but I'm just saying I can see cause & effect happening here.
I don't care if a game has DLC, I don't feel like I'm obligated to purchase anything, and for the last two CoD games, I haven't bothered with map packs and I still have just as much fun with my friends... It's not a compulsive triggerpoint for me, but I can understand people who do feel that way. I think they're somewhat high-strung, but I'm not going to tell another gamer how to "properly" enjoy what they play. That's far from my place to say.
I have paid for DLC on "IL*2 Sturmovik", which I thought was pretty good and it added to the game experience for me (plus I'm a fan of the Thunderbolt so it's a no-brainer), but if the DLC never got made, I would have still rated "Sturmovik" as one of the best aerial combat games in my collection, it would still feel like a "complete" game, and still one of my top-three PS3 games. I'm not driven like some folks are, to get everything done and pick up a plat, etc., but I support those who DO feel that way. I think it was EA Sports which finally broke me out of that group, with "Tiger" and "Fight Night Round 4". "Fight Night" especially, got me to wake up because ALL of the DLC for that game was on the disc, and there was literally HALF the game modes and options I had on "Fight Night" for my PS2 only a couple of years before.
Unless, of course, I wanted to pay more than the money I already had spent. THere was no possibility of playing any of the DLC modes or boxers via straight-out winning at the game.
Being an old-fart gamer, I was miffed because it seems like earning anything extra out of a game in terms of content has been permanently replaced by micro-transactions. While I don't mind the option to purchase said content, it would be more incentive to play or replay a game if there were actual content stuff to unlock, instead of paying for it. I would go for plat trophies, if they actually translated into something of a reward (like even the laziest of lazy unlockables: Concept Art, or Costume Changes :lol: ) instead of just feeling like an exercise in Pavlovian Conditioning...
Nowadays, due to budget constraints of being a family man, I wait for the Greatest Hits version of most games because all of the DLC is unlocked, and disc-based so that I don't eat up ever-dwindling HDD space... Yeah, you need to wait a long time for those versions sometimes (I JUST got a copy of "Resident Evil 5" to call my own, the "Gold Edition"... So I hadda wait for nearly 3 years to put it on my shelf, so what?)
I have all the DLC, and the game, for $17.99 ...It was a long wait, but to me it was worth it...
To Shang & Cell, I hear your screams. And, I understand your position even though I might not agree with every bullet-point. But after all of the lessons we've learned about early adoption over the last decade of hardware & software alike, you two should join my Patience Party and wait out some of these titles?
Just an idea to kick around... There's plenty of room for you on the couch with me, friends! We'll play some SFIV or some "Tekken 6" while we wait for the prices to fall and the DLC to become free. I'm terrible, you two will slaughter me! Pass the Beer Nuts, will ya?
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