I have, the weird thing about the difficulty levels on Resistance is, it doesn't really get harderthe higher the level, it just requires more tactics. Superhuman is really a test of patience rather than skill, i.e., how long you're willing to spend bobbed down behind something.
I did the Most Stupid thing on Superhuman. I finished Hard and started Superhuman I made to the Start of North Command. But on the Last level of Notingham (level Before North Command) I used all my Grenades on the Titan at the end. So at the Start of North Command all I had was two Frag Grenades and one rifle Grenade as explosives. I never got past the Train car area. All I would have needed was one Flashback Grenade to get past.
three times. co-op with my bro, then co-op with my friend, then single player. It is not that different than hard, but if youre beating it for the first time you will get more weapons the second time around and beating it on superhuman will unlock the black ops outfit for online.
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