Reuters: U.S. video game sales seen up 53 percent in June
Metal Gear Solid 4 powers 94% PlayStation 3 sales jump
PS3 sales not only surpassed its contender but doubled them.
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i only bought my ps3 2 play mgs4. i no its insane but i love mgs so much. only got my ps3 2 1/2 weeks ago & i am loving every second i play mgs4. its a true masterpiece!!!!Gravity_2
And I'm on my 7th playthrough for the Big Boss emblem and that is less than a month ever since I bought it on June the 18th, YES that's HOW AWESOME this game is.
It's the same with all the big titles, because of Halo 3 the 360 sales were over 500.000 units in the USA alone in the momth September. GeOW2 and Brawl actually had a long lasting effect with more units being sold for months. I think MGS4 will do the same for atleast 4 months.
Reuters: U.S. video game sales seen up 53 percent in June
Metal Gear Solid 4 powers 94% PlayStation 3 sales jumpPS3 sales not only surpassed its contender but doubled them.
f*** yeah! My fav game is causing a spike in the sales of my fav console! Go MGS4!!
i only bought my ps3 2 play mgs4. i no its insane but i love mgs so much. only got my ps3 2 1/2 weeks ago & i am loving every second i play mgs4. its a true masterpiece!!!!Gravity_2
OMG lol, exactly the same as me. I got my PS3 2 weeks ago to play MGS4. Was going to wait till the PS3's price to get lower before I buy it, but MGS4 was just too awesome to miss out (played at my uncle's place for an hour).
[QUOTE="Gravity_2"]i only bought my ps3 2 play mgs4. i no its insane but i love mgs so much. only got my ps3 2 1/2 weeks ago & i am loving every second i play mgs4. its a true masterpiece!!!!northypoley
OMG lol, exactly the same as me. I got my PS3 2 weeks ago to play MGS4. Was going to wait till the PS3's price to get lower before I buy it, but MGS4 was just too awesome to miss out (played at my uncle's place for an hour).
Finish the game man.
I was one of them! :)
Opening morning at Game Stop on June 12th. I bought playstatation for MGS, PS2 for MGS2 (and the inevitable sequel), and PS3 for MGS4. Each time the console has provided me with far more than the impetus for buying it, and I expect the same from the PS3.
Note that I enjoyed the previous Metal Gear game as a kid, played an untranslated copy of MG2 with a translated script MS-Word document, and Snatcher was the only thing that stopped me from beating the hell out of my friend for buying a Sega CD, so my fanboyism is warranted, I guess.
it will help alot for june...
im guessing the metal gear momentum will still push into july... it will probly the 2rd highest selling game in july(soulcaliber 360#1) considering no exclusives on other either side mgs4 will probly keep ps3 on top by about 100,000 units next month....
aug. all depends on if too human flops or does well... (i downloaded the demo and i really dont like the camera or controls, the right stick controls about all the attacks so it feels like your not doing much.) eaither way it dosnt seem like a system seller so ps3 by a few thousand units because metal gear steam will die off by then.
sept. has about no exclusives so im guessing even numbers
oct. socom,LBP vs fable 2, halo wars......ermmm halo alwase means sales but i think wars will sell more software to then current fan base then consoles to new people. same with fable. socom has a hardcore online community but a good portion of that has been playing 360 on live so im curious to see if some of those people come back to socom.......and LBP (if sony advertises it well) can really get some people to consider picking up a ps3 that wouldnt before.... then then include people getting ready for christmas... im guessing ps3 by 200,000 units
nov. resistance2 moterstorm 2 vs gears of war/ last reminent... gears is just too strong of a title and it will definatly take software by alot.... but i think considering november is when most xmas shopping is done, and the appeal of LBP as well as advertising(sony did pretty well with adds last holiday season) i think big numbers on both sides and close to a tie... maybe 360 by a little.
dec. mostly exactly what we saw for november
and there are my thoughts on the sales trends leading to the end of the year... please forgive any mispellings for i am very sleepy
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